U.S. history from 1800-1860

  • Supreme Court Established Judicial Review

  • Thomas Jefferson

    Page 294
  • Lewis and Clark begin expedition

  • Congress bans the import of slavery

  • James Madison

    Page 295
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

  • U.S. declares war on Britain

  • Battle of New Orleans

  • American Robert Fulton built first submarine in France

  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

  • John Q. Adams

  • Andrew Jackson

    Page 323
  • Martin Van Buren

    Page 323
  • William Henry Henderson

  • John Tyler

    Page 426
  • James Polk

  • Zachary Taylor

    Page 375
  • Millard Fillmore

    Page 375
  • Franklin Pierce

    Page 375
  • James Buchanan

    Pgae 375