History timeline

U.S. History B

  • Invention of the Model T

    Invention of the Model T
    An automobile contrived by Henry Ford.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    This was the telegram from Germany to Mexico encouraging them to attack America. As a reward, Germany would help Mexico win back the land that they had lost during the Mexican-American War.
  • The WWI Amistice

    The WWI Amistice
    The Germans knew they could not win so they opted for peace. They signed the armistice and there was a ceasefire.
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment
    This amendment to the constitution allowed all adult women the right to vote.
  • Charles Lindbergh's flight

    Charles Lindbergh's flight
    He was the man who completed the first solo flight across the Atlantic ocean.
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    This was when the stock market completely crashed on Wallstreet. This event had very devastating effects.
  • Period: to

    The New Deal

    This was the institution of "government programs" that FDR used to help curb the effects of the Great Depression.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of the National Socialist Germany.
  • The Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact
    This agreement allowed for Germany to annex those countries which had high masses of German-speaking people; countries such as czechlosovzkia.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    Hitler said this action was in self-defence and/or self preservation, but France and Britain did not beleive them and declared war. This event is what initiated WWII.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks American base in Hawaii.
  • D-day

    This is when the Allied troops "launched the successful invasion of German-occupied Western Europe during World War II." ~wikepedia
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    Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    These were two atomic bombs that were dropped by the U.S. over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • The formation of the United Nations

    The formation of the United Nations
    The United Nations was a group of Countries that came together after WWII based on similar points to Wilson's League of Nations.
  • The Long Telegram

    The Long Telegram
    This was "an 8,000-word telegram from George Kennan, an Embassy official. This has become known as 'the Long Telegram', and it said exactly what the American government wanted it to. Kennan hated Communism and the Soviet government."
    ~John D Clare
  • The formation of Nato

    The formation of Nato
    Nato was similar to the United Nations except that it is based on military power between The European countries and a few of the North American countries as well.
  • Russians acquire the atomic bomb

    Russians acquire the atomic bomb
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    The Korean War

    This war was between North and South Korea.
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    Brown v Board of Education

    This was a court case in which the federal government declared that the segregation of schools, for example, white students separated from black students, was unconstitutional.
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    The Vietnam War

    This was a war between North and South Vietnam.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    "Parks refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake's order to give up her seat in the "colored section" to a white passenger after the whites-only section was filled. Parks was not the first person to resist bus segregation."
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    The Cuban Missile Crisis

    A period during the Cold War when the tension peaked. This crisis was a "confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union concerning American ballistic missile deployment in Italy and Turkey with consequent Soviet ballistic missile deployment in Cuba."
  • JFK's assassination

    JFK's assassination
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • The Gulf Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf Tonkin Resolution
    This act was passed in response to The Gulf Tonkin incident. This incident which led to the U.S. more openly participating in the Vietnam WAr
  • Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    Apollo 11 Moon Landing
    This was the first manned mission to land on the moon.
  • The Watergate Breakins

    The Watergate Breakins
    During this event, 5 men broke into Democratic National Committee head quarters.
  • Nixon's Resignation

    Nixon's Resignation
    Due to the escalation of the Watergate Scandal, Nixon lost much of his support. Sure that he would be impeached he instead chose to reside from office.
  • The invention of the Internet

    The invention of the Internet
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

    The fall of the Berlin Wall
    This event meant that those in East and West Berlin were able to travel freely between the two places.
  • The 9/11 Attacks

    The 9/11 Attacks
    This devastating event occurred when terrorists crashed a plane into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and the Twin Towers in New York City. There were two other plains that had been hijacked, but these are the best known ones.