U.S History

By GS4176
  • Colonial America Begins

    New York-1626
    Rhode Island-1636
    New Hampshire-1638
    North Carolina-1653
    South Carolina-1663
    New Jersey-1664
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    French indian war

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    Revolutionary war

  • Declaration of Independence

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    Consttitutional Convention

    The Constitution was written and eventually ratiffied
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    Louisiana purchase

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    Womens rights movement

    Women wanted equality amongst men
    Lucy Stone
    Susan B Anthony
    Matilda Joslyn Gage
    Abby Kelley Foster
    Sojouner Truth
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    Cival War

    different views on slavery,trade,tariffs as well as the rights each state has
    President Abraham Lincoln
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    Emancipation Proclomation

    the emancipation proclomation called for the freeing of all slaves
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    Spanish American war

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    World War 1

    Woodrow Wilson was president during the time of ww1
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    The Great Depression

    Herbert Hoover
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    World War 2

    The Axis powers
    General Omar Bradley
    General Mark W Clark
    General Dwight D Eisenhower
    General Douglas Mc Aurthur
    General George Marshall
    General George S Patton Jr
    Franklin D Roosevelt
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    Cold War

    The main concern of the United states during the cold war was Communism
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    Cival rights movement

    Martin Luther King Jr
    Rosa Parks
    Malcom X
    Andrew Goodman
  • 9/11

    The united states was attacked by terrorists