U.S. History: Westward Expansion

By 21-5xg
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson purchased New Orleans and 827,000 square miles of territory from France for just 15 million dollars.
  • Acquisition of Florida

    The U.S. got to take Florida from Spain, in turn it had to assume 5 million dollars in debt from them.
  • Missouri Compromise

    This was a compromise that resulted in the creation of the states of Missouri and Maine. The conflict that resulted in this compromise was based off of weather or not Missouri should be a slave state or not when the amount of pro and anti slave states was equal.
  • Annexation of Texas

    The republic of Texas joined with the U.S. becoming the 28th state in the U.S.
  • Acquisition of Oregon

    In the Oregon treaty with Briton the 49th parallel was created and all land north of it was granted to the British while all south of it was for america giving them Oregon.
  • Donner Party

    A group of settlers set off for California in a wagon train. This trip went terribly wrong and some pioneers resorted to cannibalism to survive.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidaglo

    A treaty of friendship between the U.S. and Mexico that have the U.S. California and established limits for U.S. settlement in the south.
  • Gold in California

    James W. Marshal discovered gold in a river while overseeing the construction of a sawmill in California.
  • Compromise of 1850

    A compromise created by Henry Clay to avoid conflict with the south resulting in California entering the union as a free state and amending the fugitive slave act.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    The U.S. gave mexico 10 million dollars for 29,670 mile portion of land that would later become Arizona and New Mexico.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    This compromise let the states Kansas and Nebraska decide for themselves weather or not they wanted to have slavery or not. It abolished the Missouri compromise.