Benjamin Franklin Discovers Electricity
Electrical Relay
Joseph Henry invents the electrical relay which can send eletrical currents over long distances. -
Electric Motor
Thomas Davenport invents the electric motor that is still used today. -
Fuel Cell
Sir William Robert Grove developed the first fuel cell -
Incandescent Lamp
Heinrich Gobel constructs an incandescent lamp with a filament of carbonized bamboo placed in a glass vessel. -
Alternating Current
The first alternating current power plant went into operation in Great Barrington, Mass., on this date and went into commercial service on March 20, 1886. -
Solar Water Heater
Clarence M. Kemp of Baltimore, Md. patents the first commercial solar water heater. -
U.S to Canada Powerline
A powerline is created that streches from the United States border to the Canada border. -
Geothermal Energy
The Geothermal Energy Association is formed. -
World's First Solar Powered Village
World's First Solar Powered Village found in Arizona.