1800 school building

U.S. Education 1800-1850

  • First Public University Charter

    University of Georgia received their charter. Did not begin accepting students until 1801.
  • First Public University to hold classes

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, chartered in 1789, began classes in 1793 and had its first graduating class in 1795.
  • Monitorial System of Education

    This was a popular education method that encouraged grouping students by ability and as students excel have them help teach their peers.
  • The Black Board was Created

    James Pillans (Scotland), headmaster and geography teacher invented the first modern blackboard by hanging a large piece of slate on a classroom wall. The first school to ever use this modern technology was West Point
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Doubled the size of the U.S.
  • War of 1812

    1812-1815 - US/Britian emphasis on Maritime laws/trade restrictions
  • Schools began expanding out west

    1815 as a result of the Louisiana purchase.
  • One of the first public high school in Boston

    Business, Mechanics, and Engineering - boys only
  • Alexander Twilight

    In 1823, Alexander Twlight, along with 18 other men, earned his BA degree from Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont, becoming the first person of African descent to graduate from an American college.
  • Oberlin College

    Founded in 1833 as a coeducational institution, Oberlin adopted a college policy to not discriminate against applicants on the basis of their race in 1835.
  • First Historical Black College Founded

    Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
  • Morrill Act

    Gave federal land to establish colleges in every state
  • Girls' Normal and High School

    School to educate teachers in curriculum and teaching pedagogy located in New England.
  • First Law Prohibiting School Segregation

    Massachusetts legislators passed law.