U.S. and Arizona historical events related to immigration issues

  • Apr 5, 700


    from 700AD -1100AD community living started up were people lived alongside each other.
  • Apr 1, 850

    850 AD the Anasazi people settled off Colorado Plateau

  • Apr 5, 850


    800AD-900AD extensive roads built that were wide but wheel had not been invented. Used these roads to transfer large logs by foot to build pitt houses
  • Apr 5, 855


    Mesa Verde NAtional Park-cliff dwellings were made
  • Apr 1, 1000

    Hohokam migrate to phoenix area 1000AD from Mexico

    1000 AD the Hohokam group migrated from mexico into modern day Arizona (Phoenix)
  • Apr 5, 1065


    1065 AD found huge deposits of salt. this allowed for salt trading
  • Apr 5, 1070


    1070 found the Intaglios designs near Blythe, AZ. what was unique about these was you could only see them from the air but no aircraft back then.
  • Apr 1, 1100

    1100AD -1067 AD three groups settled in Arizona region: Salado, Sinagua, Patayan

  • Apr 1, 1150

    1150 AD Mogollon people migrate northeast of Hohokom

  • Apr 5, 1450


    1450 AD BAll courts were made and canal system. these canal systems are used even today in salt river project
  • rough time for colonization and survival in US

  • Bacom's Rebellion-led rebellion against British monarchy by colonists

  • 1730's to 1740's-Great awakening--Patriots believed to be born again and wanted to move on to new thoughts

  • 1850AD- the tribes moved out of regions in Arizona possibly because of resources used

  • 1067Ad

    1064-1067AD Montezuma Castle was built. Ironically he never lived there but due to the huge size it was called this.