Apr 5, 700
from 700AD -1100AD community living started up were people lived alongside each other. -
Apr 1, 850
850 AD the Anasazi people settled off Colorado Plateau
Apr 5, 850
800AD-900AD extensive roads built that were wide but wheel had not been invented. Used these roads to transfer large logs by foot to build pitt houses -
Apr 5, 855
Mesa Verde NAtional Park-cliff dwellings were made -
Apr 1, 1000
Hohokam migrate to phoenix area 1000AD from Mexico
1000 AD the Hohokam group migrated from mexico into modern day Arizona (Phoenix) -
Apr 5, 1065
1065 AD found huge deposits of salt. this allowed for salt trading -
Apr 5, 1070
1070 found the Intaglios designs near Blythe, AZ. what was unique about these was you could only see them from the air but no aircraft back then. -
Apr 1, 1100
1100AD -1067 AD three groups settled in Arizona region: Salado, Sinagua, Patayan
Apr 1, 1150
1150 AD Mogollon people migrate northeast of Hohokom
Apr 5, 1450
1450 AD BAll courts were made and canal system. these canal systems are used even today in salt river project -
rough time for colonization and survival in US
Bacom's Rebellion-led rebellion against British monarchy by colonists
1730's to 1740's-Great awakening--Patriots believed to be born again and wanted to move on to new thoughts
1850AD- the tribes moved out of regions in Arizona possibly because of resources used
1064-1067AD Montezuma Castle was built. Ironically he never lived there but due to the huge size it was called this.