Ty's life \(^_^)/

  • I Was Born

  • Period: to

    My Life

  • twin towers went bye bye....

  • cracked my head!

  • best 4th of july

  • road trip to mexico

  • got my new puppy!

  • chased by a duck!(:

  • road trip to california!

  • broke my wrist!

  • paint ballin with the bros!

  • Binladens Death

  • golden birthday!

  • snapped my ankels!

  • heart problem!/:

  • black ops 2

    black ops 2 came out.
  • uncles death.....

  • Livvi(:

  • soth korea tries to bomb u.s!

  • omg LOL! livvi!

  • 50 note cards due!

  • ISAT

    it was actually kinda funn!
  • Track!

    begining of track season!