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Typical Behaviors for ages 5-18 years

By Kerry24
  • 5 years old

    5 years old
    *investigate everything
    *eats more than ever
    *makes up rules
  • Period: to

    Behaviors for Ages 5-18 years

    Age 5:

    *investigates everything
    *eats more than ever
    *makes up their own rules
  • 6 years old

    6 years old
    *"knows it all" fiercely independent
    *seldom finished food
    *obsessed with rules; tattles to show the adult child knows rules
  • 7 years old

    7 years old
    *all they think about is playing
    *feels mistreated by everyone
    *cares what others think about them
  • 8 years old

    8 years old
    *demands parent attention
    *overally sensitive to approval/disapproval of parents
    *see situations and rules as black and white
    *boys play with boys/girls play with girls
    *cry when tired/stomach ache when worried
  • 9 years old

    9 years old
    *fiddles with things and growing ackward
    *friends are more important than mother
    *rebels if given too many directions/direct orders
    *thinks all adults are stupid
  • 10 years old...the Docile Age!

    10 years old...the Docile Age!
    *accepts parents wishes and generally obeys
    *learns to disobey in small rebellions
    -at first may agree/accept, but then argues
    *sees rules as flexible; makes excuses for misbehavior
    *demands friends keep promises
  • 11-12 years old

    *Peer Pressure becomes intense!
    *want guidance from parents/not lectures
    *body changes cause embarrasment
    *being seen with parents cause embarrasment
    *eradic behavior from girls-hormone changes
    *want to choose own friends
  • 13 years old

    13 years old
    *want to make own decisions/choose own friends
    *self-centered; world revolves around them
    *thinking about abstract concepts, not just tangible (ie. trust, spirituality)
    *with changes-feelings of uncertainty, moodiness
    *hypersensitive to what others think of them
    *worry about everything they think is different about them
  • 14 years old

    14 years old
    *having gained some indpendence are pretty happy with themselves
    *aware of their capabilities and want to try new things
    *want to be liked and part of a group
    *like to compare/contrast everything!
    *eating habits start to become poor due to more activities and new schedules
  • 15 years old -the year of separation

    15 years old -the year of separation
    *start to separate themselves from parents
    -boys are quieter, monosyllabic language to create distance
    -girls louder, find all possible ways to challenge/irritate parents
    *friends extremely important
    *start swearing
  • 16 years old

    16 years old
    *shows confindence
    *will criticize/compliment parents on the spot
    *manners not perfected; when/when NOT to express
    *get very attached to friends/opposite sex
    *happy in general, live in the present
  • 17 years old

    17 years old
    *stressing all the time
    *less conflict with parents
    *thrive on everything going on around them
    *showing more concern about future
    *showing more concern about body weight/size
    *very busy-going to school, working, clubs, sports, etc.
    *good nutritional habits hard to keep due to busy schedule
    *exercise usually not part of routine (unless playing sports)
  • 18 years old

    18 years old
    *show self-confindence and pride
    *show more cooperative behavior and understanding
    *compromise more with others
    *not as influenced by peers/groups
    *back to relationship with parents and asking questions for guidance and listening to them