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Tyler Maloney

  • Lyme's Disease

    Lyme's Disease
    When I was about five years old, I woke up and had pain in my legs. It was very hard for me to walk and get around that morning. I fell while taking a shower because my legs went so numb. Being so young, I didn't really understand what was going on and what was causing me to feel this way. My mom carried me into the hospital and had X-rays taken of my legs. The doctors said it was Lyme and gave me this pink antibiotic that tasted horrible. I soon got better and got back to being myself.
  • Hitting My Head Into Wall

    Hitting My Head Into Wall
    When I was 9 years old, I was really happy about it being close to Christmas so I decided to start spinning in circles. As I spun around, I became very dizzy. I stopped spinning and it caught up to me, I walked myself straight into the wall. I got a large cut on my eyebrow and was bleeding a lot. I ran to my mom and went to the hospital
  • Football Coaches Award

    Football Coaches Award
    I went to my football dinner in 6th grade and won the Mike Dicanio Coaches Award. While they were giving out awards, I was quietly sitting down listening to the hints they gave before they said who it was going to. As I kept listening, it sounded more and more like it was going to be me. I really knew it was me when the coach made a specific reference to me dancing. I was really happy when I won and couldn't believe they picked me. Winning made me try harder and practice playing even more.
  • Crashed My Quad

    Crashed My Quad
    When I was 13, I crashed my quad into a a tree. I was going pretty fast in my trails and I was coming up on two trees that I had to drive in between. I aim for the middle, but a rock sent me towards the right. The right side of the quad hit the tree, sending me into the air. The quad flipped up and the backside swung around to the other tree, wedging itself between the two trees. Surprisingly, I was fine, but I realized I needed to ride safer. It made me think about my decisions more carefully.
  • Getting Glasses

    Getting Glasses
    In eighth grade, I got called on to read something off the board, but I wasn't able to read it. My teacher gave me a look and was amazed that I couldn't. I just thought I was far away from it and my classmate couldn't read it either, but that wasn't the case. She said I needed glasses. My mom took me to the eye doctor the next day and got me the glasses I needed. It was awkward wearing them in school and gave me a different perspective about glasses. I had to learn to live with them.
  • Passed out in English

    Passed out in English
    In English class, I was presenting and then I passed out in the middle of it. My mouth was very dry and my hands were shaking, holding my notes. I got about halfway through my speech and then saw my peripheral vision grew darker and darker until I just saw black. It was pretty embarrassing, but it made me feel stronger about myself afterwards. It made me think harder about my next presentation and prepare more. I also became less nervous when presenting my next project.
  • Toe Surgery

    Toe Surgery
    A bone spur grew under my toe nail from stubbing it a year prior. A month before the surgery, I went to a podiatrist about my toe becoming irritated and he said I had a bone spur that had to be removed. They removed it and I had to wear a big bandage on my foot for weeks. It was annoying and was a big struggle. I wasn't able to swim or get it wet for the majority of the summer. My toe surgery took up a large part of my life that year, needing constant attention and doctor appointments.
  • Someone Crashed Into Me

    Someone Crashed Into Me
    I was driving home from drivers ed with my mom and my brother when a women rear ended me. I was stopped at an intersection near my house and the lady behind me thought the light had turned green and floored it right into my car. It was very scary because I didn't even see it coming. I was relieved when everyone said they were okay. Various firetrucks, ambulances, and police officers came to the scene. My mom got whiplash and I smashed my knee into the console. Overall, it was a scary experience.
  • Student Recognition Award

    Student Recognition Award
    I was awarded for being an exemplary student and set a good example. My guidance counselor took notice of my achievements and other things that I had done during the year. She liked my drive and focus. She said I was doing a great job and talked about how I should be proud of it. It made me happy that I, along with the many other studious award winners, were being recognized. It shows how hard work pays off.
  • High Honor Roll

    High Honor Roll
    Junior year of high school, I was awarded the consecutive high honor roll award again. Like the previous years, I achieved high honor roll every quarter since the start of sixth grade. I was very proud of myself for getting such good grades and being able to maintain an average about a 93. My family was very proud as well, knowing how hard I work in school and the effort I put in. My school work is a big part of my life and reflects my hardworking personality.
  • Remodeled Bathroom

    Remodeled Bathroom
    I was really bored one day and decided to do something constructive with my time over the summer. I went to Home Depot that day and got tile samples and other supplies. I told my mom what I wanted to do and she let me rip out the bathroom and remodel everything. I tiled it myself and learn what came along with the task. I was very happy and proud once I finished it. It looked really nice and gave me a good self worth and taught me important skills.
  • Volunteering at a Clean Up

    Volunteering at a Clean Up
    I volunteered to help clean up the East Branch Reservoir. My friend and I signed up with the Department of Environmental Protection to gain community service hours and do something that we felt strongly about. It was surprisingly fun to do, going around the reservoir, picking up all the trash to make it look clean. A DEP patrol vehicle drove by us and thanked us for our work. It felt very good to do my part in the community and make a change.