Es Muh BirfDaye
I was born in January and it was the greatest day on Earth. As I emerged from the deadly womb into the world I was finally ready to begin my life. The release from the womb was only the begging of my long journey. Soon I ventured into the world and I was ready to take my rightful place in the world as the king of awesome -
El Brodo Birf
My brother was born In Febuary on Valentines day. My brother and I have been together through thick and thin and he is the reason I am the way I am today and I would never want to be without him (Even if he is a total loser) -
Not on My watch Homie
I am caring because I never liked when anyone in my family fought. I was always the peace keeper. It started when I was 3 when I would stand inbetween my mother and my father when they were fighting. I would stand there and just put my hands up until they stopped fighting. I would mediate fights between sibilings as well. -
Protect the President!
I am a protective person. My brother had a couple of times where a person would bully him or be mean to him. Being his older brother my #1 priority was his protection. Someone once got a staple stuck in his hand. When we got back to school afer the hospital (5 year old me) took a stack of books and threw it on her. A couple years later my brother was getting bullied by this kid with a jump rope. He was swinning it at him and trying to hit him. I got a hold of the rope and began to beat the kid -
Bye Bye Parents :O
I was taken away from my parents early that summer and sent to live with my grandparents. I started 2nd grade at Ebinger with my grandparents. FRom then on I was no longe allowed to see my parents for a long time. I went months on end without any sign of them due to court order. My grandparents raised me for a long time and are part of the reason I am the person I am today. -
See Ya lata Sista
For a while I lived with me Nana (My Grandmother on my mom's side) With my sister and my brother. But my sister has a different dad and technically isnt my Grandparents (On my Dads side) grandaughter. So when my Grandpa came to take my brother and I into his custody they had to leave my sister with my Nana. I was only allowed to see her for a couple hours every few months when we went to luanch with her. But they slowly began to become longer and longer apart to the point where I didnt see her -
Heeeelllooo Country
Durring the summer of 2007 I moved to North Carolina for 3 years where I Lived in a huge house in a small town known as Mebane. I spent time there until I graduated 5th grade. (House in photo my actual House) I moved here with my parents when they regained custody of me and my brother. -
Wood you like to come play?
I made a tree house out of the stuff in the construction sight and the meterials from my old bed frame. We stayed in there for a hours a day and just had fun in the woods. We would make fires and chase animals. Explore and shoot toy guns. -
Adventure Awaits my Child!
I am adventurous. My friends and I used to enjoy spending a bunch of time in trees and forts we crafted in the middle of the woods. We would explore the woods for hours only leaving when we absolutly had to do. Those were some of the best days of my life. -
ReAd TiLl YoU bLeEd
The spiderwick chronicles is what taught me that I like to read. I started teh first book and instantly became addicted to it. I read all the books in less than a week and my reading crusade began -
I am creative. Using imagination was always a priority in playing with my friends. It was always fun pretending to be someone else and play games where the world was a new and different place -
I am Just. I always chose to hero. I favored the good guy. I did the good thing. That was just who I was. My friend where being attacked by people once and U jumped in front of them and stoppped the people. I even broke up fights when no one else would. -
Are you Kidden meh?
I am Funny. I used to spend all of recess making my friends laugh. I would make jokes andact things out. I was the class clown and durring summer I was always the funny one that people liked to be around. -
You Me We Open Minded
I have always had to meet new people. When I came to my new school in 2012 I met a lot of people and instead of judging them I always got to know them -
Chicago? More like ChicagNo
For the beggining of 6th grade I came back to Chicago for good. I started school at Ebinger elementry and graduated from there and now go to to Taft -
Whatever could dis be
Im a Inquisitive. I think about things and how they work all the time. I dont stop thinking and sometimes its crazy distracting. But I really enjoy it. I loved science classes in middle school where we got to Disect things because it was always a good way to stimulate my mind. We disected an owl pellate -
I am Friendly. I was always friends with everyone. There were social Clicks in a lot of my schools "Weirdos" "outcasts" "Popular kids" "Nerds" and I was always friends with everyone regarldess of who they were -
Es Muh Bubble Man
I became an introvert somewhere in 2014. I began to like to stay to myself and in my room. I spent more time alone and began to only be in my room and ignore everyone else. -
League of legends is what started my addiction to PC gaming and I still play it to this day. I love the game and I dont know when Ill stop playing -
Pc Master Life
I got my first Desktop christmas of 2014. Ever sense then I have been slightly addicted to gamining and I barely leave my room