
  • Built

    The TX-o was built in 1955 .
  • Influence

    The TX-o console was influenced by the SAGE radar console systems.
  • Development

    In 1956 TX-o was developed in MIT's in Linin Laboratories however wasn't fully functionally until the end of the year.The TX-o was first programmable general-purpose computer which dispensed of vacuum tubes to rely on transistors.This computer was the first fully interactive computer available for wide use. Computer graphics, Smalltalk, Internet were developed by TX-O alumni who were inspired by the system and the computer.
    Info from Goff, L. (1999). Quiet Legacy. Computerworld, 33(8), p 78.
  • Development

    The TX-o provided the groundwork for more significant developments such as digital recording and editing, speech recognition, handwriting recognition and neural networks. The TX-o was also designed over a single weekend by its designer Clark. From a user perspective users had to use a light pen and display that Clark invented that would users enter data in real time and see a direct result.
    Information from Goff, L. (1999). Quiet Legacy. Computerworld, 33(8), p 78.
  • Previous version

    The TX-o was thought to be modified version to MIT's Whirlwind computer. However the TX-o was smaller and faster.
  • Fully Operational

    The TX-o was fully operational by 1957. This system's 64 k ram memory, speed, and reliability made it one of the most advanced computers of its time.
  • TX-1

    The TX-1 was abandoned due to flaws in the early designs. Instead of fixing the flaws TX-2 was carried on in its place.
  • TX-o Computer

    TX-o Computer
    Picture of the TX-o computer
  • TX-2

    TX-2 was experimental digital computer created at MIT in 1958.When first implemented, TX-2 had inherited the ferrite-core memory from predecessor TX-0.William Kantrowitz, a systems programmer on the TX-2 computer, provided the following list of some of the highlights of the TX-2 computer.Which was sketchpad began on TX-2,early version of speech research began on TX-2, and had two-level memory paging system.
    Information from TX-2 computer.(2012).Lincoln Laboratory Journal.19(1), p.82.
  • TX-2

    William Kantrowitz, a systems programmer on the TX-2 computer, provided the following list of some of the highlights of the TX-2 computer. Which was sketchpad began on TX-2,early version of speech research began on TX-2, and had a two-level memory paging system.
    Information from TX-2 computer.(2012).Lincoln Laboratory Journal.19(1), p.82.
  • TX-2 Computer

    TX-2 Computer
    This is a picture of the TX-2 computer.
  • TV series

    On CBS there was a tv series called " The Thinking Machine" which was run on the TX-o.
  • PDP-1

    In 1961 after a year of delays the PDP-1 was delivered to the laboratories. The PDP-1 was based off the TX-o.
    Information from
    Michael, G. (n.d). The PDP-1. [online] Computer-history.info. Available at: http://www.computer-history.info/Page4.dir/pages/PDP.1.dir/ [Accessed 8 Oct. 2016]
  • PDP-1

    This is a picture of PDP-1 computer the console and lightpen.
  • TX-O Computer Turned On for Last Time

    The TX-o computer was turned on for the last time on November 13th 1983.