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tx history timeline julian duran 5th

By jdogg7
  • fredonian rebellion

    fredonian rebellion
    they charged fees for land people already owned.also haden edwards got his contract revoked.he also started concerninv mexicans about anglos.
  • mier y terian report

    mier y terian report
    Mier y Teran inspected on Anglo Americans.they also recommended to send more troop, encourage more Mexican and European settlers in texas and strengthen trade between mexico and texas.
  • decree of april 6

    decree of april 6
    it had 6 major roles.1outlawed immigrations forts 3.encourage mexican and european goods 5.No more slavery 6.No livng near the border.
  • event of anahuac

    event of anahuac
    during these event bradburn arrests Travis.
  • turtle bayou resolutions

    turtle bayou resolutions
    they used this to write about what happened about Travis getting arrested.And why they attacked.
  • convention of 1832

    convention of 1832
    Texas makes a list of changes they want to be made. Every settlement was represented but San Antonio.But most importantly they wanted a separate state
  • election of santa anna

    election of santa anna
    they wanted him as president because they thought he would support the consituton.
  • conention of 1833

    conention of 1833
    Sam Houston was named president of meeting.Also tejanos agree with the list.Sfa takes to mexico.
  • arrest of stephen f ausin

    arrest of stephen f ausin
    He wanted to meet with Santa Ana but the SFA sent a message to make an organized settlement but they're message got intercepted casing him to get arrested.When he came home he said they had no option but to fight because sanat ana was a dictator.
  • the consulation

    the consulation
    Cos is sent to Texas with more troops. Also, Travis gets arrested ,and a meeting is called for war.