Two Can Keep A Secret

By Selma22
  • Ellery and Ezra moves to Echo Rigde from LA to live with their grandmother

    Ellery and Ezra moves to Echo Rigde from LA to live with their grandmother in the summer because their mother, Saide are on rehab. Saide had a twin sister named Sarah who disappeared when they went to high school
  • On the way to the grandmothers house they find a dead body in the side of the road

    On the way to the grandmothers house they find a dead body in the side of the road
  • At the Lacey Kilduff Memorial Scholarship fund-raiser, Malcom finds a spray paint and sees that someone has painted "murderland the sequel coming soon"

    At the Lacey Kilduff Memorial Scholarship fund-raiser, Malcom finds a spray paint and sees that someone has painted "murderland the sequel coming soon". Lacey was a girl who disappeared and found dead. People think that Declan (Malcoms brother) killed her. Declan was Lacey´s boyfriend.
  • Mia and Malcom are at the cemetery, at the grave to Mr. Brown who was a teacher, and it was his body Ellery and Ezra had found. Malcom and Mia find another graffiti, it stands "I'm back pick your queen, echo ridge happy homecoming" and 3 dolls hanging

    Mia and Malcom are at the cemetery, at the grave to Mr. Bowman who was a teacher, and it was his body Ellery and Ezra had found. Malcom and Mia find another graffiti, it stands "I'm back pick your queen, echo ridge happy homecoming" and 3 dolls hanging
  • Ellery and Ezra start at school

    The summer break are over and they start at school. They become friends with with Mia and Malcom
  • Ellery got chosen as a candidate for ball queen

    Ellery, Brooke and Katrin got chosen as candidate for ball queen
  • Red paint at det Ellery´s locker

    The 3 candidate for ball queen get threatened. On Ellery´s locker it hangs a red spatters twisted doll, just like the ones in the cemetery. On her locker it says "Remember murderland princess? I do"
  • Picture of the three selected ball queens

    Ellery is at a gathering with many from school suddenly the light goes out, but it is quickly turned on again. When the lights turns on again there is a picture of Lacey on the scene. Then there are pictures of the three selected ball queens. Someone must had followed Ellery because the picture of her was taken of her a day before
  • Malcom and Mia following Daisy

    Mia and Malcom followed Daisy (Mias sister, and was Laceys best friend). They see that Mia walks into Declan and finds out that they are together.
  • Mia gives Laceys bracelet to the police.

    Mia gives Laceys bracelet to the police. Before Lacey disappeared she would not tell who she got it from
  • Malcom finds Brooke very sad and drives her home

    Malcom was going to pick up Ellery and Ezra from work at Fright Farm, because their grandma wouldn't let Ellery and Ezra walk home . But Malcom and Ellery found Brooke slumped on the floor saying stuff like "This is harder than he said it would be", "I need to get it back. I shouldn't have. I have to show them. its not right, its not okay." And malcom drives Brooke home too
  • Brooke missing

    The next day, after Malcom drove Brook home she is missing. People think Malcom did something
  • Ellery, Mia, Ezra and Malcom think Katrin has something to do with Brookes disappearing

    Ellery, Mia, Ezra and Malcom think Katrin (Malcoms half sister) has something to do with Brookes disappearing. Because Ellery goes trough the garbage at her work and finds a car repair and they think that Katrin drove over mr. Bowman. And that Brooke covered for Katrin, and Katrin got mad when Brooke wanted to tell people what actually happened
  • Ezra and Ellery finds out Officer Rodurigez is their half brother and the they have the same father.

    Ezra and Ellery finds out Officer Rodurigez is their half brother and the they have the same father. One day when Ezra and Ellery are at the officers house Ellery finds a picture that looks exactly like Ezra. That was Rodrigruez father, Ezra and Ellery´s too. But he died 3 months ago.
  • Ellery and Malcom goes to the ball in the last minute

    Ellery and Malcom goes to the ball in the last minute to spy on Katrin and see if she does something suspicious, she dosent
  • Malcom follows Katrin in the middle of the night

    Malcom follows Katrin in the middle of the night and sees that she is the one writing things with the red spray paint.
  • Finds Brooke`s Body

    The police find Brooke`s body. With her they also finds Declan´s ring. But he hasn't seen it or had it since Lacey died.
  • Peter lock Malcom and Ellery in the basement to die.

    Peter(malcom´s step father) lock Malcom and Ellery in the basement to die.
  • Peter was the one that killed Brooke.

    Malcom and Ellery survives. But it turns out that Peter was the one that had killed all of the girls that had been missing or found dead in Echo Ridge.