Twenty two years of Educational Technology

  • Wikis

    The wiki paved the way for a more collaborative and shared enterprise. With over 5.5 million entries, Wikipedia has become the world's default knowledge source (counting only those in English).
  • E-Learning

    E-learning will revolutionize the way we learn in the coming decades.
  • Open Educational Resources (OER)

    Open Educational Resources (OER)
    The open-source movement contributed to the growth of education and established a new learning method.
  • Blogs

    This was just as ground-breaking as the original freedom that came with publishing on the web. Everyone may now be both a publisher and distributor thanks to the advent of RSS on the web.
  • The LMS

    The LMS
    E-learning grew in importance for both blended-learning and fully online courses as a result of LMSs that facilitated its integration.
  • YouTube

    YouTube has made a huge difference in education field.
  • E-Portfolios

    The e-portfolio served as a repository for all the proof a student accumulated to demonstrate their official and informal education and training in order to facilitate further education and professional advancement throughout their lives.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    Social media has changed the nature of the relationship between academics, students, and the institution significantly.
  • MOOCs

    It allows millions of students to gain online access to high-quality content.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)

    Artificial intelligence (AI)
    With high-quality learning materials and guidance, AI can help students learn quicker and better.
  • Zoom

    Zoom was founded in 2011, but it grew more popular in 2020 when the global pandemic struck. Zoom made online learning possible.