World War 1
The NHL begins
Women Win The Right To Vote
Im 1918 women demanded the righ to vote. After consideration the law was passed on may 24 1918 the women may have the righ to vote. This event took place in America and Canada -
The Great Depression
World War 2
Canada Joins The United Nations
Saskatchewan is 1st province to have medical insurance
Native people win the right to vote
Time Hortons
Great Canadian Flag Debate
The great Canadian took place in 1964. It was the priministers idea to change the flag, Our current flag is his own design. -
Official Languages
Canada wins first hockey challenge agaist the Soviets
Terry Fox run
The Canadian Charter Of Right and Freedoms
Multiculturalism Policy
BLue Jays win the series
Quebec Referendum
The creation of nunavut
Louis Riel Day
Vancouver winter olympics
The winter olympics were held in Vancouver in 2010. In the province of British Columbia. Canada did very good in this event. -
Winnipeg jets come back
The jets left some time ago but in the year of 2011 everybody in winnipeg was happy to hear that the winnipeg jets would be coming back. They were replaced by the Atlana Thrashers.