Turner HEJJ's Timreline

By nuda032
  • Period: 220 to Dec 31, 1400

    Silk road

    during Han Dynasty, the silk road was found when the world saw Chineses' new invention, silk. Then during Tang dynasty, the silk road declined, but in 13th century, the silk road revive due to Chinese's dependance on trades with western side of the world.
  • Period: 400 to

    Creation of Grand Canal

    The world's longest canal on a single river. This canal in China helped greatly in developing transportaions on water.
  • Period: Jan 1, 700 to Jan 1, 1450

    Tributary system

    With great amount of armies, China conquered many countries around their land. Everytime when conquered a new land, Chineses required the people in the conquered land to pay money, which was like tax. Korea and Vietnam were the very first countries to pay the taxes.
  • Jan 1, 1044

    The gunpowder

    This powder was accidently found in China by a alchemist. Later in the time period, this powder will change the entire concept of what is a weapon by making it possible to make bullets to shoot out harmfully,
  • Jan 1, 1054

    Great Schism

    This event slit the easter(Orthodox) and wester(Roman) churches. The reason behind this seperation was misunderstanding of each other's philosophy, and differences in languages and customs
  • Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1272


    The Crusades started when the Pope Claremont preached about the holy land in Councile of Claremont. Europeans Europeans who believed they have right to have the holy land marched into Jerusalem
  • Nov 1, 1127

    Population growth and agriculture.

    The population of the Song dynasty rose extremley high thanks to its production of goods in the agricultural section. They rose up to the 100 millions when jurchen conquered the northern half of China. The growth of production brought growth in cities and population leading for more food to be created and more human labor.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to

    Foot binding

    One of Chineses' unique culture caused the formation of this practice. Chineses men liked women with smaller feet, so when the females were at the age of 7, their father started to bind their daughters' feet with tiny shoes.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    This document was signed by King John of England who was forced to sign the document. This document reduced the King's power greatly, and allowed the formation of powerful parliament.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1268 to Dec 31, 1279

    Song dynasty conquered by Mongols

    Kublai Khan, the leader of Mongolian troops, invaded Song dynasty in 1268. Then for next 11 years, Kublai Khan gradually pierced through Chinese defenses and in battle of Yamen, Mogolians complete their conquerization.
  • Jan 1, 1295

    Creation of Parliament

    This group was formed in England to give advices and approval to the kings. The group was formed with House of Lords (hereditary) and Commons (elected representatives).
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


    The rebierth of science,which was overshadowed by the religious beliefs. Started out in Italy.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1337 to Dec 31, 1453

    Hundred years war

    The war between England and France. The war started out when Kings of England, who are the descendants of William the conqueror (French), started have interest in ruling France as well.
  • Period: Aug 1, 1348 to Dec 31, 1351

    Black Death in Western Europe

    Black death was caused by a disease which carried out by flees on rats. When the Black Death hit on England, 40% of English died
  • Jan 1, 1445

    Printing press

    Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1445, which sped up the spread of Renaissance. Then he started his bible project to spread Christianity.
  • Tang Dynasty's fall

    Song dynsaty collapsed due to the series internal rebellions by peasants and military disasters. But in a short time, Song dynasty was formed.
  • Increase of power of church

    Otto, a relative of Charlemagne was the next to be crowned Emperor of Germany. He expanded his lands which increased Western churches' power.
  • Neo-Confucianism

    When the Tang dynasty fall and Song dynasty appeared, People of China accepted Buddhism, which was very flourish in China, as a foreign religion. So Song dynasty created new philophies which added confucianism's conceptions with Buddhism.
  • Period: to Dec 31, 1100


    Most of vikings were like the pirates who sailed across oceans to conquer lands. During viking ages, Vikings had feudal ownership over parts of France.
  • Period: to Dec 31, 705

    Empress Wu

    One of the few female leader in the history of the whole world. But to become an empress, she went through many hardships like killing her son's wife by accusing her as a murderer of her own child. But when Wu became an empress, she became too supersticious and fearful, so she was pressure by governors to step down from her throne.