Creating my own Playlists
As a youngster I would sit in my room listening to the radio and hit play and record at the same time, so that I could listen to the songs later. I still have some of these cassettes and I never mastered the art or timing of recording from the radio. -
My mom and dad are bother really musical and talented. We had a nice record player with speakers and we would play songs, sing and dance around the house often. V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N by Connie Francis was a favorite -
Having freedom to listen to whatever I wanted to in a car with 7 siblings made long drives so much nicer. -
8 Track Days
In 9th grade some friends had an 8-track player at an old abandoned house called "Sam's Club". It had a pool table, old TV and VHS player. Even though we weren't supposed to go there because it was an unsupervised location I went there 2 times and the music playing sure set the atmosphere. It was such a fun place to go hang out and have a fun time! The good oldies Rock and Roll music on the 8 track player! -
Feeling so Cool
My mom was so musical and loved that us kids also had a love for music. She gave us these huge boom boxes for our 16th birthday and I loved it! I remember belting it and imagining one day I would be famous. I am still not a good singer, but I still love music. It was an AM/FM radio, CD player and radio. -
No more need for the end of a pencil eraser.
In high school we started getting CD's for Christmas. My mom/Santa would get us 5 new CD's each year. Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces brings back so many memories. -
I-POD Time
I was about 27 before I got my first Ipod. I know I am a little late to the game, but I get being a tightwad from my dad. This was the first one I got and I still use it when I go running today. I love my Ipod. It isn't convenient how you have to upload music to it though. -
As a teacher I didn't use many devices other than my computer and I was always on Pandora. -
I learned from a student that I could actually listen specifically to anything I wanted if I looked it up on YouTube. I have since used YouTube every week. When I used to only be able to listen to the radio from picking and choosing exactly to what I listen to... I would say technology has come a long ways. I love being able to choose wherever I am at what song I want to hear. -
Spotify on Android
Today I have created my playlists on Spotify. I can listen to the music I want to depending on the mood I am in. I can listen to it on my phone or computer and basically anywhere I am at. I love it. I have even got to the point of paying for it so I don't have the ads. Crazy I know, but it is nice!