Alaska is Purchased from Russia
Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
John D. Rockefeller Starts Standard Oil
Alexander Graham Bell Invents the Telephone
Thomas Edison Invents the Light Bulb
Chinese Exclusion Act
American Federation of Labor is Founded by Samuel Gompers
Sherman Antitrust Act is Enacted
Ellis Island Opens
Carnegie's Steel Homestead Strike
Hawaii is Annexed
Plessy v. Ferguson
U.S. Declares War On Spain
Rudyard Kipling Published "The White Man's Burden" in The New York Sun
The Start of the Boxer Rebellion
Tenement Act is Enacted
President McKinley Was Assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt Took Office
The Philippine Insurrection Came to an End
The Roosevelt Corollary is Declared
Upton Sinclair Released "The Jungle"
Pure Food and Drug Act & The Meat Inspection Act are Passed
Peak Year of Immigration Through Ellis Island
Henry Ford Produced His First Model T
Creation of the NAACP
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
The Assassination of Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand & The Start of WWI
The Panama Canal is Completed and Open for Traffic
The United States Enters WWI
Ratification of the 18th Amendment
Women Got the Right to Vote