Charlotte's web

turm 2

By xedenx
  • her evil twon

    her evil twon
    this book kind of hooked me into it
  • Pick 'n' Mix assorted Kiwi stories

    Pick 'n' Mix assorted Kiwi stories
    its got realy good stories in it
  • Period: to

    my Turm 2 timeline

    this is my time line for and hopefuly you like it
  • Pick 'n' Mix assorted Kiwi stories

    Pick 'n' Mix assorted Kiwi stories
    this book is realy inturesting and some bits are funny and its a realy KWL book
  • her evil twin

    her evil twin
    this book was realy kool i loved it sooo much
  • Matilda

    this book is good so far raely liked it how it had introducing... mMiltilda, Michael, Mr & Mrs Wormwood, Miss Honey, Bruce Bogtrotter, Amanda Tripp, and Miss Trunchbull so you got a good look at the main-is charters
  • Matilda

    this book was realy kwl at the start but at the end it was way!!!!!!!!!! diferant to the book so it was just waird/borring
  • Charlotte's Wed

    Charlotte's Wed
    this book is realy kwl its my faverouite book ever.
    I really makes you read more with how it says 'Where's Papa going with that axe?' so I thought "I AM GOING TO KEP ON READING!!!!!!!"
  • Charlotte's Web

    Charlotte's Web
    this book is realy kwl I love it!!!!!!!!! and it's really cute ; }