2500 BCE
Egyptians built the pyrimids
1180 BCE
The fall of troy
1150 BCE
The bronze age collapse
A series of events that led to many highly developed nations during the bronze age suddenly collapse -
800 BCE
The oddysey is written
275 BCE
Rome finishes conquering the Italian peninsula
after defeating tribes like the Etruscan's and southern italian states, Rome now controls the Italian peninsula -
146 BCE
The start of the Punic Wars
The start of the wars between Rome and Carthage -
End of the Punic Wars
The end of the Wars between Rome and Carthage -
The fall of rome
The death of the last western Roman emperor and the official collapse of the western Roman empire. -
The Rise of the Carolingian Emprie
The Rise of Charlemagne's Empire -
The End of the Carolingian Empire
The splitting up of the empire between Francia and the HRE -
The first crusade
Collapse of the Mongol empire
The fall of Constantinople
The fall of Constantinople and the death of the Byzantines and birth of the Ottomans -
Columbus discovers the new world
Columbus lands on the Caribbean and Europe is told of a new world.