Jan 1, 1000
1 Jan 1000, Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis
Eris, the Goddess of Discord, was the only god uninvited. She threw a golden apple into the wedding that said "For the Fairest". Aphrodite, Athea, and Hera all wanted the apple, but Zeus would not choose between them. -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Jan 19, 1000
The Trojan War
Jan 2, 1000
Judgment of Paris
The judgement of Paris was a contest between the three most beautiful godesses of Olympos: Aphrodite, Hera and Athena; for the prize of a golden apple -
Jan 3, 1000
Paris goes to visit King Menelaus of Sparta
King Menelaus, was the son of Atreus of Mycenae and the brother of the great warrior Agamemnon. Menelaus's wife, Helen, the daughter of Zeus, was at the center of the events that led to the Trojan War. -
Jan 4, 1000
Paris steals Helen
Paris takes Helen to Troy -
Jan 5, 1000
King Melenaus discovers that Helen is gone
He sends his army to get her back. -
Jan 6, 1000
Odysseus and Archilles stay away from the army
Jan 7, 1000
The Trojan War begins
Jan 8, 1000
Fight over Chryseis
Jan 9, 1000
Chryseis's father prays to Apollo
Jan 10, 1000
Archillies leaves the Greeks
Jan 10, 1000
Agamemnon steals Archillies maiden as revenge
Jan 11, 1000
Gods begin to take sides
Jan 12, 1000
Menelaus battles Paris for revenge
Jan 13, 1000
Ares fights with the Trojans
Jan 14, 1000
The Trojan Hector begins to destroy the Greeks
Jan 15, 1000
Archillies fights again to avenge Patroclus
Jan 15, 1000
Archillies drives back the Trojans into the War
Jan 15, 1000
Patroclus, Archillies' friend, is killed by Hector
Jan 16, 1000
The Trojan Horse
Odysseus ordered a large wooden horse to be built, so he and the rest of the warriors could gain their entrance to Troy. Its insides had to be hollow so that soldiers could hide within it.
Once the statue had been built, a number of the Greek warriors, along with Odysseus, climbed inside. -
Jan 17, 1000
The Trojans bring the horse into the city
Jan 18, 1000
The Greeks come out of the horse at night
Jan 19, 1000
The Greek army destroys Troy