
Trojan War by john ozkol

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Wedding of king pelius and thetis

  • Jan 2, 1000

    Judgment of Paris

  • Jan 2, 1000

    At the wedding of Peleus and Thetis the gods were enjoying themselves when Eris, or Strife, threw a golden apple into their midst with the words, "For the fairest," attached.

  • Jan 2, 1000

    The goddesses approached Paris and each offered Paris a bribe for selecting her. Hera promised to make him a king who would rule Asia and have great wealth. Athena offered to give him wisdom and an invincible valor in warfare.

  • Jan 2, 1000

    But Aphrodite won the apple by promising Paris the most beautiful woman in the world — the spectacular Helen. His choice was imprudent to say the least, since he made implacable enemies of Hera and Athena, both of whom vowed to destroy him and Troy.

  • Jan 3, 1000

    Paris goes to visit king Menelaus of Sparta

  • Jan 3, 1000

    On learning that he would possess Helen, Paris first went to Troy and established himself as a true prince, the legitimate son of Priam and Hecuba.

  • Jan 3, 1000

    He now had no further use for Oenone and abandoned her. Then he sailed for Sparta, where he seduced Helen during her husband's absence and took her back to Troy with him.

  • Jan 4, 1000

    The Greek chieftains assembled at Aulis under the leadership of Agamemnon, the brother of Menelaus. Most of the warriors were glad to go, eager to burn and sack Troy.

  • Jan 4, 1000

    But two heroes were reluctant. An oracle told Odysseus that he would be twenty years from home if he went, so he feigned madness when the Greek leaders came for him.

  • Jan 6, 1000

    At first the Greeks sailed to Mysia, and believing it to be Troy they made war. The Mysian king, Telephus, was wounded in the battle by Achilles.

  • Jan 11, 1000

    the greeks army heads to troy

  • Jan 14, 1000

    greeks lose there first war with the trojans

  • Jan 15, 1000

    the greeks lose the war but they are thinking of an attack that no one will think of

  • Jan 16, 1000

    the greeks made a huge hours made out of wood and leave the area so the trojans could fine the the gift and take it in there palace

  • Jan 17, 1000

    the trojans take the wooden horse as a gift from the gods

  • Jan 18, 1000

    the greeks attack the city of trojan during the night while every body is sleeping

  • Jan 19, 1000

    end of the trojan war and the greeks won and they rescued the queen and brought her back to greece