
Trips to the Beach

  • Sixth Day

    Sixth Day
    We made a big sandcastle.
  • First trip to tOcean City

    First trip to tOcean City
    I was 10 when my cousins took me to the beach.
  • Second day

    Second day
    I got brave and walked in the water.
  • Third Day

    Third Day
    Today I actually got wet.
  • Fourth Day

    Fourth Day
    We had a picnic on the beach.
  • Fifth Day

    Fifth Day
    On this day we buried my cousin in the sand.
  • Period: to

    Future Trips to the Beach

    Several more beach vacations as I grew.
  • Beach Vacation

    Beach Vacation
    I spent a week in Ocean City, New Jeersy.
  • Hit the Beach Again

    Hit the Beach Again
    A group of seniors spent the week together.
  • Final Trip with Classmates

    Final Trip with Classmates
    My friend took me on vacation in Myrtle Beach after college graduation.