Colten Boushie Death
In August, Colten Boushie was shot at the back of his head and he was a 22 year old Cree man from the Red Pheasant First Nation who was shot by Gerald Stanley. This took place in a farm in Saskatchewan, -
Colten Boushie's Ford Escape
On this day Colten Boushie's car, Ford Escape was left at the scene by RCMP for investigation and one of the doors of the vehicle was left open the way it was seen. -
Stanley's Intention in Scaring Boushie Away
Gerald Stanley was accused of killing Boushie on this day, however, his son Sheldon Stanley testified that the bullet he fired was a freak accident and that his intention was only to scare Boushie and his group of friends away from his farm. -
Gerald Stanley Witnesses
The witnesses of Gerald Stanley admitted that they changed the story of the incident to something that didn't actually happen to prove that Stanley was not guilty. -
The semi-automatic handgun that Stanley grabbed from his shed to attack the group was not working as it normally works. -
Freak Accident
The defense of Gerald Stanley in this trial asks to look more into the death of Colten Boushie. -
Gerald Stanley Should be Convicted Guilty
The crown of Gerald Stanley argues in the trial that he should be convicted guilty and he should be accountable for killing Boushie by a gun. -
Second Degree Murder and Manslaughter
The jury decided to convict Gerald Stanley with 2 different charges. the first charge being second degree murder and the second charge being manslaughter.