Gupta becomes golden age
The Gupta empire became the golden age of India. There were major acheivements and discoverys in math, science and art. Sanscript became the written language. Hinduism supplants Buddhism as the major religion. This age was also a great time for farming and expanding the economy. -
Rome collapses
The roman empire collapsed because of its government,economy,military and society. One reason was foreign invaders coming in because German Mercanaries were allowing them in. There was a decrease in the male population.That means that the Roman military had a low population. Farmers were unable to sell crops. Inflation occured which caused the value of money to decrease -
Fall of Gupta empire
The Gupta empire had lost its last great king Sakanda Gupta in 455. After this the empire started to fall apart. The Gupta empire was invaded several times by the Hunas or Asian nomads. The successors proved to be weak and could not handle the invasion. The Gupta empire finally fell and lost power in India -
Jan 7, 753
Rome created
Rome was created by the 2 sons of Mars, Romulus and Remus. Mars saw a woman locked up in a tower. So he raped her and she had 2 kids Romulus and Remus. Romulus and Remus were raised by a wolf named lupa. One day Romulus and Remus decided to build a city. They were having trouble naming it. So Romulus killed Remus and thats how Rome was created. -
Han Collapse
In 188 or 189 Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty died. During this time military governors were clinging to the greater independence that was acquired during the war with the Yellow Turbans. A popular military general tried to assert himself as a leader. a Eunuch would later murder the general, which caused the general's allies to strike back and burn down the palace. They also killed everyone who they thought looked like a eunuch. This would lead to about 2000 eunuch deaths.