Trends in The Ocean

By 1240376
  • Abiotic Factors of an Ecosystem

    Abiotic Factors of an Ecosystem
    Some abiotic factors of an ecosystem would be water temperature, pH, weather, and sunlight. Water temperature is something that greatly affects ocean ecosystems. Coral bleaching is something that is happening the Great Barrier Reef and it is caused by the temperature rising.
  • Burning of Fossil Fuels

    Burning of Fossil Fuels
    The burning of fossil fuels is the largest source of emissions of carbon dioxide
  • Increased Carbon Dioxide

    Increased Carbon Dioxide
    The burning of fossil fuels leads to an increased amount of carbon dioxide. More carbon dioxide will lead to the temperature rising which will also cause the water temperature to rise.
  • Dissolved Carbon Dioxide decreased pH of the ocean causing acidification

    Dissolved Carbon Dioxide decreased pH of the ocean causing acidification
    When there is an increase in carbon dioxide, it dissolves in seawater and the water becomes more acidic and the ocean's pH drops. Carbon dioxide dissolving in water also leads to shells and skeletons made from calcium carbonate to dissolve. Sea Life that produces calcium carbonate structures have to spend more of their energy either repairing their damaged shells survive.
  • Ocean acidification damaged corals and other calcifiers weakening their shells, preventing their growth, and causing them to die.

    Ocean acidification damaged corals and other calcifiers weakening their shells, preventing their growth, and causing them to die.
    Ocean acidification leads to coral bleaching and also causes weakening of shells. Coral bleaching is caused when water heats up and the algae leaves the coral which causes the coral to be white. The calcifier's shells also get weaker due to ocean acidification.
  • Summary

    Coyotes can be coming into the city because of an increase in carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can lead to higher temperatures which means that they could be going to the city to look for a cooler place.