Jan 1, 1300
economic crisis and spread of plague
Jan 1, 1400
Jan 1, 1454
invention of printing
Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type , and gave rise to the printing and so the dissemination of culture -
Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus discovered America
Jan 1, 1500
cultural and artistic movement that developed between XV and XVI century -
Oct 31, 1517
Protestant reformation
The scandal of the sale of indulgences by Pope Lion X to raise money for the construction of St. Peter's Dome , led the ribellion of Martin Luther that emanates 95 theses . For this then he was excommunicated. -
Dec 1, 1545
With the Council of Trent(1545-1563) , the church started reforms to curb the development of Protestantism caused by the reform. -
English revolution (1642-1688)
After the death of Elizabeth Tudor, James Stuart rises to government. England has a period of internal wars that end with the birth of the first parliamentary monarchy. -
Industrial Revolution
With the industrial revolution there was the rise of capitalism that is the possession of machines and capital in the hands of a few people -
American revolution
In 4 July the 13 American colonies declare themselves independent from the mother country (England). -
French Revolution
The people rebels against the absolute monarchy , and in 14 July takes place the taking of the Bastille.