Photovoltaic effect observation
Edmond Becquerel first observes the photovoltaoc effect via an electrode in a conductive solution exposed to light. http://energyinformative.org/the-history-of-solar-energy-timeline/ -
First Solar Cell Created
Charles Fritts creates the first solar cell with selenium layer on a thin layer of gold. This device had an output of about 1% efficiency. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:26XznTXYACoJ:inventors.about.com/od/sstartinventions/a/solar_cell.htm+history+of+solar+cell&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us -
Solar Cells Become Popular
Solar water-heating systems started being used for houses and apartment buildings in California and Florida. http://www.gosolarcalifornia.ca.gov/about/gosolar/california.php -
First Practical Solar Cell
Bell Labs produces the first prectical silicon solar cell which had around a 6% efficiency. The cells made by this company were used in and by some industries. http://org.ntnu.no/solarcells/pages/history.php -
New Age of Solar Cell Use
Hoffman Electronics creates 9% efficient solar cells. Vanguard I, the first solar powered satellite, was launched with a 0.1W, 100 cm² solar panel. http://org.ntnu.no/solarcells/pages/history.php -
Better Efficiency
Hoffman Electronics creates 14% efficient solar cell, a drastic leap in solar cell technology, it now seems possible for solar cells to eventually power our world. http://exploringgreentechnology.com/solar-energy/history-of-solar-energy/ -
Solar Powered Homes
J. Baldwin, at Integrated Living Systems, co-develops the world's first building powered by solar and wind power exclusively. Eventually it would be possible to make them strictly solar powered. https://www1.eere.energy.gov/solar/pdfs/solar_timeline.pdf -
Reflective Solar Concentrators
Reflective Solar Concentrators started being used on solar cells to increase energy. http://org.ntnu.no/solarcells/pages/history.php -
Super Efficiency
NREL develops a GaInP/GaAs two-terminal concentrator cell which becomes the first solar cell to exceed 30% conversion efficiency. http://exploringgreentechnology.com/solar-energy/history-of-solar-energy/ -
Semi Transparent Solar Cells
Scientists found a way to create solar cells out of organic matter that retain decent efficiency, are thin, flexible, and semi transparent. http://www.solar-constructions.com/wordpress/transparent-solar-panels/ -
Fully Transparent Solar Cells
Scientists at Michigan State University create a solar cell that resembles typical glass. They are completely transparent and revolutionary. These can replace windows or phone screens or anything that might need power and the cell wont obstruct the view at all. http://www.techtimes.com/articles/13615/20140820/go-solar-with-a-view-using-newly-developed-transparent-cells.htm