Transition to the Modern World Timeline (1400-1700)

By prdalla
  • 1347

    Black Death Hits Europe

    Black Death Hits Europe
    The black death was a plague that struck Europe and killed millions of people. The black death was significant because, it affected almost everyone in Europe and resulted in change of things such as government, economy, and society.
  • 1440

    Invention of Printing Press

    Invention of Printing Press
    The printing press allowed books and other texts to be mass produced, giving more people access to them. The printing press revolutionized education and the ease of spreading ideas and thoughts.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Sails

    Christopher Columbus Sails
    Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic ocean from India to America. When he got there, he thought he was in India and thought that the world was round. Although he wasn't in India, he did bring attention to the fact that the world might be round.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa Creation

    Mona Lisa Creation
    The Mona Lisa is a renaissance portrait of an unknown woman standing in front of an unclear background with a slight smile. This painting is very famous painting and is an exemplar of other paintings and a model of what the renaissance was.
  • 1509

    School of Athens Creation

    School of Athens Creation
    The School of Athens was a renaissance painting that displayed many great Renaissances and classic thinkers and painters. This painting encompasses the meaning and goal of the Renaissance.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther's 95 Theses

    Luther's 95 Theses
    Luther's 95 theses were 95 reasons why he thought indulgences were unacceptable. His revolt inspired many future dissidents and many people. Many people also agreed with him and, his ideas were very popular.
  • Romeo and Juliet Written

    Romeo and Juliet Written
    Romeo and Juliet was a play written by William Shakespeare in the 1500s. It is extremely well known and still shapes modern literature to this day. It also introduces many modern words that we still use.
  • Issac Newton's Birth

    Issac Newton's Birth
    Isaac Newton was a very well known philosopher. He discovered gravity and created Newton's 3 laws. He has helped to shape modern philosophy and physics.
  • Anglican Church is Founded

    Anglican Church is Founded
    King Henry the 8th founded the Anglican Church in 1867 because he wanted a divorce and the Catholic Church wouldn't allow. The Anglican Church showed that it was okay for dissidents to speak out.