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Transition to the Modern World

By cahicks
  • Period: 1300 to

    Italian Renaissance

    The Italian Renaissance was the rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman culture. Europe had just survived the Black Death, and had been inspired by Greek and Roman Culture.The Renaissance was important because it was a transition between the medieval and modern times.
  • 1347

    The Black Death Lands in Europe

    The Black Death Lands in Europe
    The Black Death was a epidemic that caused ⅓-⅔ of Europe’s population to die. The Black Death was significant because it led to the fall of feudalism, people who were once serfs could ask for more money for their works and slowly work their way up the social class.
  • 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    The printing press allowed everyday things to be printed faster, rather than writing it by hand. Since more copies of books were more widely available that meant that more people could access them. The printing press was significant because it allowed the Renaissance to spread because books were more available and
  • 1473


    Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who lived from 1473-1543.He was a famous astronomer. Copernicus developed the theory of Heliocentric, which meant that the Earth revolved around the sun. This was important because his ideas went against the Church, and proved a new way of thinking.
  • 1475

    The Adoration of the Magi

    The Adoration of the Magi
    The Adoration of the Magi was painted by Sandro Botticelli who was a famous Renaissance painter. The painting shows Mary, Jesus, the Three Wise men, and Botticelli even painted himself in the painting. The painting is significant because it was a religious painting and showed an important religious event. Since the Roman Catholic Church was the most important institution at the time many religious paintings were being made.
  • 1492


    In 1492 Columbus landed in America. Columbus left from a Spanish Port called Palos, on the trip there were three ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. Christopher Columbus landing in America was significant because that had led to the Age of Exploration, and had been one of the first to discover the new land.
  • Period: 1503 to 1507

    The Mona Lisa

    The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, a famous Renaissance artist. The painting caused disagreement over who the lady was, and why she was so significant in the painting. The painting was significant because it glorified the human body and it showcased the talent of Da Vinci.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther’s 95 Theses

    Luther’s 95 Theses
    Luther’s 95 Theses was written by Martin Luther, they were 95 complaints about the Roman Catholic Church, and how it was run.The claims were focused on the sale of Indulgences. The 95 Theses was important because it started the Reformation and led to Protestantism.
  • The Globe Theater

    The Globe Theater
    Shakespeare was a famous writer who wrote 37 plays throughout his life. Shakespeare opened the Globe Theater in 1599, when he was part of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, which was an acting group in London. The opening of Globe was significant because it it allowed more people to see the plays Shakespeare was writing and have the experience of going to a theater.
  • Galileo’s Telescope

    Galileo’s Telescope
    Galileo was an astronomer, who was trying to prove that the Earth revolved around the Sun. The telescope was Galileo’s most famous invention, it was modeled after others made in Europe and could magnify an object three times its original size. The telescope was significant because it helped to prove his theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun, and that not everything revolved around the Earth.