Transition to the Modern World

  • 1347

    Black Death hits Europe

    Black Death hits Europe
    The Black Death was a deadly plague that ravaged Europe during the 14th century, wiping out 1/3 to 2/3 of the overall population. The plague was significant to history, as it lead to the emergence of the merchant middle class, changing in faith in the church, and gave way to more passive farming methods. This paved the way for events like the Protestant Reformation, where people become more independent from organizations like the church.
  • 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    In 1440, the creation of books used to take a long time, each one having to be perfectly handwritten. The printing press with movable type was then created to be able to mass produce books. The printing press gave way to a new age of knowledge, where books got cheaper and ideas like Protestantism and heliocentrism could spread.
  • 1490

    Vitruvian Man

    Vitruvian Man
    Vitruvian man is a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, showing the structure of a man. The drawing represents Leonardo da Vinci’s reflection on perfect human proportion and architecture. The purpose was to bring together thoughts about art, architecture, human anatomy and symmetry in one distinct image.
  • 1492

    Columbus Arrives In America

    Columbus Arrives In America
    In 1492, Columbus arrived in America, in an attempt to sail around the world to get to India. Columbus accidentally discovering America gave way to an era in history, where the eyes of the world began looking west to the Americas.
  • 1495

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    The Last Supper is a painting that was painted by Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance. It is one of the most recognisable paintings of it’s time, representing the reactions of each of Jesus’s apostles when he told them that one of them would betray him.
  • 1517

    Luther’s 95 Theses

    Luther’s 95 Theses
    In 1517, Martin Luther posted 95 theses on the doors of his local Church, explaining 95 reasons why the Church is corrupt. Martin Luther defending his ideas and statements give way to a new sect of Catholicism, a new movement, and a new mindset. People started believing in the power of their voice and their rights.
  • The Globe Theater Is Built

    The Globe Theater Is Built
    In 1599, Shakespeare’s theater company, the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, opened up the Globe theater to showcase their plays. Shakespeare and the Lord Chamberlain’s Men revolutionized the idea of theater, turning it from a street show, to a worldwide phenomenon, activating people's’ imaginations.
  • Galileo’s Telescope

    Galileo’s Telescope
    Galileo’s telescope, albeit low quality, allowed him to look to the moon and the planets in the solar system, and make realizations. Galileo defending his theory that the sun is the center of the universe (heliocentric theory), using his new evidence, gave way to the Scientific Revolution.