Transition to the Modern World

  • Jan 1, 1214

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    He was the first great thinker of the scientific revolution who thought we should experiment instead of just believe.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was the first document that gave average people rights and protection from a powerful monarch.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1258 to

    Islamic Empire

    The Islamic empire introduced many revolutionary ideas to the Europeans during the Dark Ages.
  • Jan 1, 1377


    Brunelleschi created the dome for the Duomo and used incredible building techniques never before used in the Renaissance.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Leonardo Da Vinci was an incredible Renaissance artist, but he also had many ideas that other inventors wouldn't think about for hundreds of years.
  • Mar 9, 1454

    Amerigo Vespucci

    Amerigo Vespucci
    He was one of the first cartographers to prove that Brazil and West Indies did not represent Eastern Asia as previously thought.
  • Feb 3, 1468


    The printing press invented by Gutenberg was the first form of social media that allowed people to share ideas across Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    Under the commission of Henry VII John Cabot explored previously uncharted territory, as is referred to as one of the first explorers to do so.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther's 95 theses

    Luther's 95 theses
    The theses that Martin Luther nailed to the church were some of the first acts of independence from the overpowering Catholic church.
  • Jan 1, 1545

    Counter Reformation

    Counter Reformation
    This was the period that the church went through where they made many reforms so that the church was more spiritual than political.
  • Feb 15, 1564


    He was an Italian scientist who made his own powerful telescope that allowed him to see farther than anyone else had before, like the mountains and valleys of the moon. His work caused an uproar and he was put on trial for heresy and was then forced to recant his beliefs.
  • Apr 1, 1564


    Shakespeare introduced a new level of sophistication into literature, and evolved our understanding of literacy as well.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton was an English scientist that proposed a law of universal gravitation. His contributions were some of the most important and relevant even in science today.