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Transformations Around the Globe

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    Transformations Around the Globe

  • The Monroe Doctirine reflects special US interests in the Americas

    The Monroe Doctirine reflects special US interests in the Americas
    The Monroe Doctorine declared to the europeans countries that north and south america were not available for colonization
  • China and Britain fight in the Opium wars

    China and Britain fight in the Opium wars
    China had tried to ban opium in China after they found out that opium was banned in Britain. Britain then invaded China starting the opium Wars.
  • Commodore Perry enters the harbor in Tokyo

    Commodore Perry enters the harbor in Tokyo
    Thye Japanese were stunned by big metal steam ships that Commodore Perry had brought over. They then did exactly as he adviced them to do and opened up trade between the two countries.
  • The United States win the Spanish American War

    The United States win the Spanish American War
    By winning the Spanish american war the US gained Cuba and the Philipines.
  • The Mexican Revolution starts

    The Mexican Revolution starts
    Mexico goes through several assasinations and mexican dictators or Caudillos.
  • The Panamal Canal is now open

    The Panamal Canal is now open
    The US tried to bye the land for the for the canal from Columbia. When Columbia increased the price the Us decided to encourage to northern territory of Columbia creating Panama.