Flipped classroom

Transformation Statement

  • Starting Technology Endorsement

    Starting Technology Endorsement
    When starting this class I believed I was already using technology effectively in my classroom. I thought I would get some ideas on how to use it more creatively.
  • SAMR Model

    SAMR Model
    I learned about the SAMR model when integrating technology in the classroom. I found that I was mostly using technology in the substitution stage. I was having students do the same things on the computers that they could do with pencil and paper. I started thinking about different ways to use technology in my classroom. I want my students to start using tools to screencast and record their thinking so I can go back and check it later.
  • Evaluating Technology

    Evaluating Technology
    I learned the importance of evaluating technology in the classroom. I never thought about having to evaluate the effectiveness of technology because I used to think that as long as I was "using" technology I was doing it right. One big take away from this that I got was that I need to evaluate technology before, during and after instruction. It's important to pay attention to how students are interacting with the technology and I am not using it as a babysitter.
  • Screencast

    I learned what google apps and extensions were. One that I found especially valuable was Screencastify. After learning about screen casting I could see the importance of using technology in the classroom. This app gives teachers the opportunity to record their instruction so their students can take it with them. I can see how teachers can use this to help parents understand different concepts or even for substitutes to play when teachers are gone. I am now a believer in technology integration.
  • Digital Story Telling

    Digital Story Telling
    I learned how to integrate digital story telling into my classroom. I never thought I would have a use for this because I love reading stories to my class. I was wrong. After learning about this I found many ways I can use this in my instruction. One particular event that comes to mind is using this for social stories. This really brings the social stories to life and makes them even more relatable. The students can even record in their own voice truly making it their own.
  • Interactive Presentations

    Interactive Presentations
    I learned how to use and create interactive presentations. This showed me how to make presentations more interesting that just a simple Powerpoint. I really started to understand the phrase "death by Powerpoint". This has changed my perception on how I want to present information to my students. I learned how to make information engaging while still meeting core standards.
  • Hyperdocs

    I learned what a Hyperdoc was and how to use it in my classroom. This really changed my perception on how technology can be integrated into the classroom. Hyperdocs showed me how you can put the learning in students hands. This can change the way students learn because it gives them the power. They are essentially getting a front row seat to your lesson. They can pause, rewind, or rewatch the material. Using this technology gives each student an individual lesson plan.
  • Thinglink

    Learning about interactive posters changed the way I thought about class projects. I would like to use interactive posters for group projects instead of having students make physical posters. I think this would make it possible for students to really show what they know because they can use different sources of media to represent their knowledge. This is a great way to change a traditional project into something they wouldn't be able to do without technology.
  • Final Transformation

    Final Transformation
    This course has given me so many tools to use in my classroom to help integrate technology. However, the most important thing it gave me was growth mindset. It taught me that just because something has worked in the past doesn't mean it can't be made better. I feel more comfortable using technology and wanting to experiment with different programs now. This class taught me to think outside the box and how to use technology for more than substitution. It gave me the tools to keep learning.