Missouri Compromise
-Henry Clay
-Preserved the balance between slave and free states
-The slavery debate stopped for a while -
The Nullification Crisis 1832
-Southern states felt that the tariffs were unfair and only supported the North.
-The Federal government dismissed South Carolina's arguement causing SC to threaten to secede.
-Henry Clay came up with Compromise to lower taxes. -
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
-Passed by Congress
-Permitted the capture of African-Americans who had fled to the North to escape.
-Hieghtned tensions
-Set the stage for John Brown's raid and the American Civil War. -
Compromise of 1850
-Congress had intense debates
-The new territories won from Mexico would be enrolled as a slave or free state
-Henry Clay
-California would be permitted as a free state
-Stronger fugitive slave law -
Bleeding Kansas
-Anti-slavery people started their own government
-John Brown murdered several of his proslavery neighbors.