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Tova's Technobiography

  • Type to Learn

    Type to Learn
    My earliest memory of technology in school, and in general other than television, was mandatory typing classes I attended several times a week from 1st to 3rd grade. We used a computer program called Type to Learn in a computer lab full of desktop PCs and Apple computers. I now can type at a pace of 120wpm, so this program was highly successful. Here is a link to a demo of the Type to Learn program.
  • Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & First Glimpses of the Internet

    Microsoft Word, PowerPoint & First Glimpses of the Internet
    I attended classes in a computer lab throughout elementary school on how to use computer programs, such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. I attended mandatory seminars on Internet safety, and I got my first email address on AOL with search restrictions limited through parental controls. My AOL connection was a dial-up connection, which was quite slow.
  • First Personal Computer

    First Personal Computer
    For my 10th birthday, I received my first computer, a desktop Dell. I used the computer to play games, email, and instant message on AIM. I used LimeWire to download music, but mostly used the computer for games and as a word processor for school assignments.
  • Web Design & HTML

    Web Design & HTML
    I played social games such as Neopets where I was able to create my own "guilds" that were personal websites for communities of people. Inspired by this game, I learned how to design websites using basic HTML & CSS. I also learned how to use Photoshop and animation tools. I designed my own webpages on other sites and created custom icons/avatars for the instant messaging sites that I used as well.
  • Computer Literacy

    Computer Literacy
    In Middle School, I got my first flip phone, iPod, and Macbook. I took computer literacy classes in a computer lab. I learned how to build wiki sites, use Excel to create tables and graphs, and create multimedia PowerPoint presentations. In music classes, I learned how to use Audacity to edit music. I also had to do a few video assignments where I learned to film and edit videos on iMovie. By this point, I felt very comfortable with digital technology.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    In 2007, I joined FaceBook. This was my first social media account. I posted pictures and wrote on my friends' walls.
  • First Smartphone

    First Smartphone
    I got my first smartphone, a Blackberry. This device felt very cutting edge at the time. I was able to connect to the Internet, although at a very slow speed. I could also take photos with this device and post them on Facebook.
  • Period: to

    Social Media & iPad

    By high school, I felt very comfortable with computers. I used iTunes to buy and organize my music library. I received an iPad for my 16th birthday, which I used to watch television, take photos, and read e-books. I used the Microsoft Suite to complete projects for school. I also used social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to connect with my friends. My high school used the Moodle LMS to administer grades, but the majority of assignments were done and turned in on paper.
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    Undergraduate Degree

    All of my undergraduate courses were in-person. My university used the Blackboard LMS. A few exams and discussion board assignments were administered through Blackboard, but the majority of assignments were turned in on paper. I used a Macbook Pro to take notes and conduct research. I designed an app prototype for a business technology class, filmed and edited a documentary short, and created many PowerPoint presentations. I got an iPhone, but I did not use it for educational purposes.
  • Work & Learn From Home

    Work & Learn From Home
    For the first time, enabled by technology, I worked entirely from home through a laptop computer and second monitor. I teleconferenced daily using Zoom and Microsoft teams. I received certifications and training through e-learning platforms. I took a series of Coursera Courses on Python. After graduating, I learned new business softwares, including Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Jira, Confluence, Vizio, Venngage, and SharePoint. I am able to quickly and easily learn how to use new software.