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Tourism Evolution in Spain. (Tourist).

  • Late 50's.

    Late 50's.
    Spanish people had a rather conservative personality. Families and people didn't have much money in general, so they barely travelled out of the country. Some Spaniards started travelling to the country's coasts in summer, but most of them they didn't stay in any hotel or apartment. Foreign tourists started to spend their holidays in Spain, especially in the beaches. They were European high-class tourists.
  • 60's.

    Each year, more and more foreigners came to the country, and as the hotel infrastructures along the coastlines grew up, domestic tourism got way more importance.
  • 70's

    People started travelling to other destinations, not only the sun and sand ones. They discovered new tourism typologies that Spain offered (such as green or leisure options). Tourism publicity was effective and prices were still very cheap.
  • 80's

    People started to open their minds as the democracy began after all those years of dictatorship. In these years it was common to see young people, young couples without children, and friends travelling; not only families and old people.
  • 90's

    Advertising gets way more importance, as TV spots are created and publicity is more effective. The technology era was starting and Internet was developing really fast. People started relying on touroperators and travelling even more.
  • 00's

    As pretty much almost everyone started using Internet, they got very influenced by it. Social networks developed and advertising was now mainly done in websites, where people could find information about the destination they were interested in, as well as videos and photos, in a very fast and easy way. Positive and negative reviews of a destination are rather important for the opinion of tourists, and together with that, nowadays tourist companies depend on the tourists' reviews.
  • 00's (2)

    00's (2)
    At present, people is very open-minded, and they usually try some new and different typologies (gay-friendly destinations, gastronomy and enology tourism, etc.) Money is not a problem anymore as there are many low cost companies and so many people look for them, as well as for discounts. Most of the people trust on social media, influencers and information about destinations on websites, so that they can get an external opinion.
    Also, collaborative consumption is very popular.
  • 00's (3)

    00's (3)
    Due to the current situation with jihadism and wars, people try to choose safe destinations.
    For example, Paris is not a safe destination anymore because of its problems with terrorism. In the case of Spain, it's not such a big problem but still, the country is in danger alert. This hasn't influenced people as much as other countries, though. Besides, with the modern feminism, women have started to travel all by themselves.