topics 7-9 timeline

  • 610 BCE

    Prelude of Islam

    Prelude of Islam
    Islam started because Rome and Persia went to war.
  • 500 BCE

    Ending of Roman Empire

    Ending of Roman Empire
    At the end of the fifth century, the Roman Empire was coming to an end. It was the Christain Church that kept Rome going when it came to civilization, learning, and culture.
  • 500 BCE

    The Fall of the Roman Empire

    The Fall of the Roman Empire
    The cause of the fall of the Roman Empire was the attacks by the Barbarians, all occurring in the fifth century.
  • 387 BCE

    The Celts

    The Celts
    The Celts were the first group to be conquered during the expansion process and many more were to come after this.
  • 286 BCE

    East versus West

    East versus West
    The country is divided into two made left one side being very wealthy and successful, and the other side being politically challenged and not as wealthy, and communication between the two sides was limited. This was during the 3rd-5th centuries.
  • 284 BCE

    Diocletian and Constantine

    Diocletian and Constantine
    These were two different emperors throughout the time of the Empire coming close to an end.
  • 264 BCE

    The Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars
    There were two Punic Wars, the first one beginning in 264-241 BCE, and the second one being 218-202 BCE. Following these wars, Rome gained a lot of lands.
  • 66 BCE

    Religion/Birth of Christanity

    Religion/Birth of Christanity
    The birth of Christianity is a huge part of the history of our world and is a huge part of Rome's culture. Before, they had religious diversity in Rome, and they had "mystery religions." After the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, they started to read the Hebrew Bible.
  • 59 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar was the leader of the Roman Republic, which was powerful enough to change the Roman Republic from a republic to an empire.
  • 235

    Major Crisis

    Major Crisis
    There was a major crisis that affected the empire from 235-284 CE. This crisis contained pressures from foreign invaders on the Roman border, which caused political instability.