Topics 7-9 Test

  • 389 BCE

    The Celts Sack Rome

    The Celts Sack Rome
    This would lead the Romans to swear to never let the city fall victim to another attack. This vow would last around eight-hundred years.
  • 264 BCE

    Beginning of the Punic Wars

    Beginning of the Punic Wars
    This war would lead to the Romans becoming the major political force within the Medditerrian over Carthage who they would defeat.
  • 263 BCE

    Rome Conquerors All of Italy

    Rome Conquerors All of Italy
    This would be the first step in Roman expansion and would lead Italy to become the heartland of the Roman Republic.
  • 83 BCE

    First Civil War Within the Roman Republic

    First Civil War Within the Roman Republic
    This would be the first time Rome would have a civil war and it would show how politically divided the Roman Republic was, and soon many civil wars would follow in its aftermath.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar Is Assassinated

    Julius Caesar Is Assassinated
    Caesar was assassinated by senators that were unhappy with him taking over the government and reducing the Republic's authority. However, this would only lead to the beginning of the Roman Empire instead of a return to the Republic.
  • 23 BCE

    The Roman Empire is Born

    The Roman Empire is Born
    Octavian, better known as Augustus Caesar, would become consul for life, beginning the Roman Empire. This would make him the "first emperor" of the Roman Empire.
  • 66

    Jewish Uprising

    Jewish Uprising
    The Jews would rebel against the Romans a generation after the death of Jesus of Nazareth. This would lead to the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.
  • 284

    Diocletian's Ascension

    Diocletian's Ascension
    Diocletian ascended the throne as Emperor of the Roman Empire and would create a tetrarchy that would indirectly split the Roman Empire in two, east and west.
  • 313

    Constantine Makes Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire

    Constantine Makes Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire
    This allowed for the creation of the papacy and the spread of Christianity across the entire Roman Empire.
  • 410

    The Goths Sack Rome

    The Goths Sack Rome
    This was the first time that a non-Roman had breached the walls of Rome and lead the Roman Empire down a path which it could never recover from.