Topics 7-9

  • 1000 BCE


    The Roman monarchy came to an end because the Tarquin family was overthrown. He was described as cruel. The Republic was created because it was a representative democracy. This was a time of prosperity and was very innovative. There were many contributing factors to the fall of the Republic like economic instability and the rising of Julius Cesar. The Roman Empire started when Cesar took control. Tensions within the government caused problems along with barbaric invasions that caused the fall.
  • 753 BCE

    Roman Law

    Roman Law
    Time: 753 BC to 476 AD
    Roman citizens had to pay taxes and they also had citizenship. Once they had citizenship Roman Law then applied to them. Slaves were also a large part of society and they were held in a subservient position through Roman Law
  • 509 BCE

    The Republic

    The Republic
    Time: 509 BC to 27 BCE
    This Republic lasted almost 500 years and ruled over a vast expansion of land. It was a form of government that ultimately was one of the earliest forms of democracy. Julius Caesar and his rule caused the eventual downfall of this era along with economic instability.
  • 476 BCE

    Roman Society

  • 476 BCE

    Roman Society

    Roman Society
    Time: From the Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic, and Roman Empire
    Roman society create aqueducts that gave fresh water to the cities. They had great architecture such as libraries, temples, and recreational places. Romans are famous for their engineering and architecture advancements. They also had expansive roads that stretched 40,000 miles.
  • 359 BCE

    Macedon and Philip II

  • 359 BCE

    Macedon and Phillip II

    Macedon and Phillip II
    Time: 359 BCE
    Macedon was a kingdom north of Greece. Philip unified the kingdom again proving himself as a true leader. He also conquered Greece but was then murdered and Alexander, his son, took the throne.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander the Great

  • 334 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Time: 334 BCE
    Alexander the Great was truly a great leader as he was a great leader in battle. He also went on a conquest of Persia and conquered it. Alexander the Great's biggest fail was not naming an heir to the throne or having any legitimate children.
  • 323 BCE

    Hellenistic Age

    Hellenistic Age
    Time: 323 BC to 32 BC
    During this time Alexander's former split into two and many ways erupted. This was when Greek influence reached its peak and progress in the arts quickly progressed.
  • 280 BCE

    Hellenistic Monarchies

  • 264 BCE

    Punic Wars

  • 264 BCE

    Punic Wars

    Punic Wars
    Time: 264 BCE - 146 BCE
    This was a series of wars between Rome and Carthage. In the end Rome won the wars and resulted in Rome taking control of the Mediterranean.
  • 133 BCE

    Roman Republic

    class struggle
  • 96 BCE

    Five Good Emperors

  • 96 BCE

    Five Good Emperors

    Five Good Emperors
    Time: 96 CE to 180 CE
    This time frame consisted of five back to back great emperors that brought great prosperity to Rome.
  • 70 BCE

    Julius Caesar

  • 69 BCE

    Flavian Dynasty

  • 69 BCE

    Flavian Dynasty

    Flavian Dynasty
    Time: 69 CE to 96 CE
    The Flavian Dynasty consisted of the ruler Vespasian and his two sons. There were many successful wars within this era. This ended because of an assassination of the current leader
  • 43 BCE

    Mark Antony

  • 14 BCE

    Julian Dynasty

    Julian Dynasty
    Time: 14 CE to 68 CE
    The Julian Dynasty were emperors who were related to Cesar either through blood or adoption. This ended because of the lack of another heir after Nero had no children.