Topics 12-14 Test

  • 1492

    Columbus Lands in the New World

    Columbus Lands in the New World
    With the ideal of trying to circumnavigate the globe, Columbus accidentally discovers the Americas leading to one of the biggest events in human history.
  • 1510

    Abuse of Indulgences

    Abuse of Indulgences
    The Catholic Church overuses indulgences which results in many people being able to buy piety so their sins will no longer stand against them.
  • 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Reformation
    Martin Luther pins his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg cathedral starting a spark in the religious furor that results in the creation of Protestants.
  • 1524

    Peasant Uprising Across Europe

    Peasant Uprising Across Europe
    Large peasant uprisings begin based on Lutheranism making them want better rights from their rulers. These revolts are swiftly cut down resulting in the deaths of over 100,000.
  • 1534

    Acts of Supremacy and Succession is Passed in England

    Acts of Supremacy and Succession is Passed in England
    This act resulted in England no longer recognizing the Catholic Church in Rome and creating the Church of England in its wake. The Church of England and the Catholic Church were very similar except for the fact that the head of state in England was the head of the Church of England.
  • 1537

    Pope Recognizes the Humanity of Native Americans

    Pope Recognizes the Humanity of Native Americans
    This marks the first time that the Pope recognized that people were in fact people that were able to be saved by Christ. This is a new idea because somehow they believed that people were not people.
  • 1555

    Calvinism is Born

    Calvinism is Born
    Jean Calvin creates Calvinism the first distinct denomination that differed from Lutheranism, yet remained Protestant. This branch of Protistantism would result in the creation of the Huguenots, Presbyterians, and Puritans.
  • 1563

    The Council of Trent Ends

    The Council of Trent Ends
    The Council of Trent was a council in which Church officials gathered and debated the articles and charges that have been leveled against the Church whether it be from Martin Luther or other reformers. This would be a leading factor in the Catholic Reformation.
  • Most of South and Latin America Under European Hands

    Most of South and Latin America Under European Hands
    The Spanish and Portuguese conquered most of South and Latin America taking their vast wealth and exploiting the natives for their benefit.
  • 250,000 Jesuit Schools Across Europe

    250,000 Jesuit Schools Across Europe
    Jesuit Schools are very common around Europe which promote Catholisims that teach in a way that further devices Catholics and Protestants. These schools also have the side effect of increasing literacy rates across Europe as well as increasing the amount of knowledge as well.