Topics 10-11 Test

  • 790

    Vikings Begin Raiding Europe

    Vikings Begin Raiding Europe
    Vikings would give more power to kings as many towns and people were afraid of Viking raiders. This in turn would allow those kings to get more funding for their armed forces allowing them to become more powerful.
  • 800

    Charlemagne Crowned Holy Roman Emperor

    Charlemagne Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
    Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor would give a large power to both himself and the pope. There would be a dependency between the two to remain in power that would result in a similar situation throughout the rest of the Holy Roman Empires' existence.
  • 1066

    William the Conqueror Conquers England

    William the Conqueror Conquers England
    After William was able to conquer England he would become king and would create the kingdom of England. William was able to get his bloodline to still sit on the throne today showing how powerful the English would become.
  • 1099

    The First Crusade Ends

    The First Crusade Ends
    This marks the end of the first Crusade, the first Holy War that Europe had against non-Christians. The success of the First Crusade would entice later Popes to start more Crusades.
  • 1100

    New Form of Religious Education

    New Form of Religious Education
    A new form of scholasticism was instructed within cathedral schools. This would increase the knowledge of priests that attended increasing the power of the Chrush as they were able to spread more knowledge amongst themselves and not with the common people.
  • 1215

    Parliament Was Created In England

    Parliament Was Created In England
    King of England John would sign the Magna Carta to create Parliament. Parliament would consist of a meeting of the Church, nobles, and well-off commoners to discuss the authorization of war.
  • 1241

    Mongols invade Eastern Europe

    Mongols invade Eastern Europe
    After the Mongols invaded Eastern Europe, many Europeans began to fear the Mongol threat. This in turn allowed kings to gain more control over their subjects as they gave more funding to the kings' armed forces. This is a similar situation to the Viking invaders where a greater threat allowed kings to obtain more power.
  • 1303

    Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy

    Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy
    After Pop Boniface VIII issued a papal bull that forced kings to acknowledge the Pope's authority over kingdoms resulted in a disfavored view of the Popes. This resulted in him being thrown in prison and replaced by a French Pope that moved the Papacy into Avignon in France. This action allowed France to gain a large amount of power and cement itself as the strongest nation in Europe.
  • 1378

    The Great Western Schism Begins

    The Great Western Schism Begins
    The Great Western Schism was a time when there were two Popes. One of these Popes was located in Avignon and was a French Pope, while there was another in Rome, and referred to each other as the antipope. This would reduce the power of the Church but give more power to those kings who had less worry about the Church being on their backs the whole time.
  • 1431

    Pope Eugene IV Regains Total Power of the Papacy

    Pope Eugene IV Regains Total Power of the Papacy
    Pope Eugene IV was able to reassert the absolute power of the Papacy after Babylonian Captivity and the Great Western Schism. This allowed the Pope to become a very powerful individual again and greatly increase the power of the Church.