The Renaissance
The Renaissance started about 100 years earlier and it was about half over by now. The Renaissance was a time when Greek and Roman history was revived and led to changes in culture, religion, and the European way of life. -
Religion during the Renaissance
During the Renaissance, religion changed significantly. People started to changed their ideas of religion and since the church didn't have complete control, there was more religion freedom. This had effects on religion in the future and what people chose to believe in. -
The Fall of Constantinople
When the Ottomans besieged Constantinople it became a significant event in history for a few reasons. First, trade routes were disrupted, making good unable to get and get from Asia. Second, Ottomans now controlled Constantinople and took away Christian defenses from Muslim invasion. -
Dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church
Lot of people were unhappy with the Catholic Church because of the sales of indulgences. This caused people to question the Church and eventually led to the break away. -
Oct 31, 1517
Disputation on the Power of Indulgences
This date officially marked the beginning of the Reformation. A German monk and teacher named Martin Luther published a document called Disputation on the Power of Indulgences. It was almost 100 ideas that about Christianity that invited debate because they were controversial. -
Lutheran Church
In 1521, Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. This caused him to created his own churches named "the churches of Augsburg confessions". -
The Catholic Reformation
The Catholic Reformation was an attempt to bring the Protestants back into the Catholic Church. After 1550, it was apparent that they would not come back causing the Catholic Church to be more intolerant, strict, and disciplined. -
The Council of Trent
The Council of Trent were meeting by the Pope and other Church members to find ways to counter the Reformation and define the Catholic Doctrine to ensure they don't lose any more followers. -
By the 1560's the Protestant religion was formed with set ideas, morals, and doctrine. The Catholic's had reaffirmed their beliefs to keep from losing more followers. -
These events can all be help to answer the question, How can the Reformation and the Age of Discovery be seen as extensions of the Renaissance?