The battle of Hastings and the Norman conquest
The Norman conquest of 1066 marked a dramatic and irreversible turning point in English history. -
The Domesday Book is completed
The Domesday Book is England’s earliest surviving public record, unsurpassed in-depth and detail until introducing censuses in the 19th century. -
The First Crusade is decreed
Pope Urban II’s official call for “holy war” in 1095 heralded the beginning of centuries of religious conflict. -
Thomas Becket is murdered
Thomas Becket was very close to the king, but they would fight a lot. This ended in the knights taking action and killing Thomas Becket, thinking that's what the king wanted. They made a tomb for his death -
Magna Carta is signed
Sealed by King John at Runnymede on 15 June 1215, Magna Carta (meaning ‘great charter’) has become one of the founding documents of the English legal system. -
The battle of Bannock burn
The battle of Bannockburn saw Scottish leader Robert the Bruce take on the English king Edward II in a pivotal conflict in Scotland’s fight for independence. -
The Black Death comes to Britain
The summer of 1348 saw the first outbreak of the bubonic plague in England, leading to an epidemic of huge proportions. -
The Peasants’ Revolt
The first large-scale uprising in English history, the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 threatened to overturn the existing social structure and undermine the country’s ruling elite. -
Henry V defeats the French at Agincourt
Soon after becoming king of England in 1413, the ambitious young Henry V turned his attention to expanding his realm -
Richard III is defeated at the battle of Bosworth
The last significant clash of the Wars of the Roses. Lancastrian Henry Tudor defeats Richard III for the English throne.