Top Ten Events of the Middle Ages

  • 590

    Gregory the Great becomes Pope

    Gregory the Great becomes Pope
    Gregorius Anicius is elected Pope, taking the name Gregory I. He would reign until 604, and would undertake a series of measures that strengthened the role of Papacy and spread the Christian religion.
  • 919

    First use Of Gunpowder

    First use Of Gunpowder
    The battle of Langshan Jiang was a naval conflict where gunpowder was used as a flamethrower and proved to be very effective. It would mark the beginning of this technology in warfare. This event is significant as after this date most wars would include gunpowder to feel more powerful cannons would be utilized on ships by pirates to defend them selves off.
  • 979

    Song Dynasty Reunites China

    Song Dynasty Reunites China
    This new dynasty would rule the middle Kingdom for more than 300 years, a period that saw technological growth and the population of the region greatly expand. This event is significant as this would allow China to excel in later years to increase their economy growth and power.
  • 1066

    Norman conquest of England

    Norman conquest of England
    In 1066 England had a monuments year for England. The death of the elderly English's king confessor, on 5 January set off a chain of events that would lead, on October 14, to the battle of the Hastings. This was a significant event as it linked France to England in the following years strengthening friend ship.
  • Aug 15, 1096

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    The First Crusade was done by western Europe military forces to re-capture the city of Jerusalem. Around 60,000 soldiers and at least half again of non-combatant were involved in the First Crusade. This event was significant in history because it started the first wars and had a big impact on religions friendships.
  • 1135

    Gothic Buildings emerge

    Gothic Buildings emerge
    A new architectural style that would florish in medieval Europe, it has its beginnings with the work done by French abbot suger on his work on the basilica of St Dennis in Paris. This event was significant as it started a new category in building and infrastructure.
  • Period: 1346 to 1352

    The Black Death

    The Black Death was a deadly disease which had spread throughout Europe, South Africa, Asia. This plague killed almost 50% of Europe's population at that time. This plague was carried by rats and rodents meaning it was a zoonotic disease. This disease was a Bubonic plague meaning if it was not treated at that time you would die.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus sails to the Americans

    Columbus sails to the Americans
    Christopher Columbus leads a voyage westwards on the Atlantic Ocean, hoping to reach Asia. Instead they land in the Caribbean, beginning the period of the European settlement and colonization in the Americas. This event is important as it started a civilization which now is worth of trillions and quadrillions of dollars and have established a great relation ship with different countries.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus makes Landfall in Bahamas

    Columbus makes Landfall in Bahamas
    On October 12 1492, Italian explorer Christopher columbus found his way to the bahamas which at that time was known as Guanahani ,native to the Lucayan people .
  • Period: to

    Great Famine

    In 1845 the Great Famine also know as the 'Irish Potato Famine' started which caused potatos to not grow due to a disease know as Late Blight. This event is significant as it shows how Europe has been affected in the middle ages with all sorts of problems.