Top ten events of the middle ages

  • 476

    Fall of Roman Empire

    Fall of Roman Empire
    The fall or the Roman Empire in 476, is widely known as the beginning of the medieval period. It is a significant event of the medieval period because the disintegration of the Roman Empire freed Europe from one single power and set the stage for the next empires of Europe. Another reason why it was significant is because Europe now stood unstable with 10s if not 100s of kingdoms fighting each other for land. This led to an unstable Europe.
  • 711

    Muslim conquest of Spain

    Muslim conquest of Spain
    The Muslim conquest of Spain was a successful attempt by the Umayyad Caliphate to conquer Iberia. The conquest was significant in Europe due to Islam's surprising breakthrough in Spain. It was significant due to being the Golden Era of learning. Much of the things we know today in Math's originated from Muslim Spain. However, many minorities and even Christians were oppressed by Muslims leaders due to Muslim law. This set the stage for Christians to take back Spain. Another significant event.
  • 800

    Charlemagne crowned as King of Holy Roman Empire

    Charlemagne crowned as King of Holy Roman Empire
    After restoration of the Roman Empire, Charlemagne was named as the new king. This was extremely significant as it signaled a new leader in Europe. Charlemagne went on to play part in many important wars, such as the Saxon wars and invasion of Italy, another reason why his crowning was significant. However, he was mainly known for restoring the Roman Empire to its glory days.
  • 843

    Treaty of Verdun

    Treaty of Verdun
    The treaty of Verdun was a treaty in which the Frankish Empire was divided into three regions. This was due to succession issues after the king of the Carolingian Empire died. The event was very significant as it divided up such a strong empire which was one of the strongest if not the strongest in the region at that time. Another reason why this event was significant in history is because it foreshadowing the borders of modern countries. Countries such as France and Germany started from here.
  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    The great Schism was an event that split the Eastern and Western Churches apart due to political/religious differences. This was a major event of medieval Europe as it showed emerging cracks in Christianity. The effects of this event was historic, as it divided Europe in to two defining entities, something rarely ever seen before. For a long time, things would stay this way until Pope Paul VI of the West and Athenagoras of the East met to imburse in talks to reunify Europe under one religion.
  • 1066

    Norman conquest of England

    Norman conquest of England
    The Norman conquest of England was a successful conquest by Normans to rule England. The major effect of this historic event is the many changes of the English language. Many of which still exist today. For example Bagun became Bacon. Another reason why the invasion of England was significant was because of the introduction of the Feudal system. This was a social hierarchy in which normal civilians were put in based on their social status.
  • 1095

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    The First Crusade was a religious war in which Christians in Europe tried to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims. The first crusade were extremely significant, as they were the first time Europe united under religious circumstances. With the continent united, hundreds of thousands marched all the way to Jerusalem, to take back Jerusalem from Islam. The 2nd reason why it was significant was because it was the first time Jihadis and Crusaders fought each other. There were 8 significant crusades.
  • 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta were the royal code that defined the powers/limitations the king had. The first reason that it was significant was because it was the first time kings set rules by which they had to abide by. While there were rules for kings before, this was the first time laws were enforced. The 2nd reason the magna carta was significant was because it gave individuals more liberates, through giving nobles & royals less power. The magna carta was a major representation of liberty and justice.
  • 1337

    The Hundred Years War

    The Hundred Years War
    The Hundred year war was in fact a hundred year war between England and France during the late medieval times. They were one of the last major events of the late middle ages and resulted in French victory. This war was extremely significant as very few major wars have lasted so long. It was also significant as many new military tactics were introduced and changed they way that warfare was conducted.
  • 1347

    The Black death (Bubonic plague)

    The Black death (Bubonic plague)
    The Black death was a plague pandemic that lasted from 1347 to 1352. The Black death killed over around 75-200 million people hence why it was so significant. The Black death was also significant due to improvements in medicine. Due to the black death, doctors and nurses started to create ways to cure patients from disease and more research was done to improve the health of the human race.