Top ten events of the middle ages

  • 476

    The fall of the Western Roman Empire

    The fall of the Western Roman Empire
    The fall of the western roman empire was when the western part of Rome got divided up into several Germanic kingdoms. This was because western Rome had a weak population during the middle ages therefore it was easy for people to take control of the western parts of Rome. These kingdoms were called the Burgundians, the franks, the Alemanni and the Visigoths. These were all of the areas that western Rome got divided up into.
  • 800

    Charlemagne crowned holy Roman Emperor

    Charlemagne crowned holy Roman Emperor
    Charlemagne’s crowning was a very important event during the middle ages as he had a goal to bless the power that he had gained and he had gained power over a large part of Rome. He looked the way we view the stereotypical “king” with the knights and he lived in a castle. He was originally the king of the Franks and Lombard's but then took over a very large part of western Rome.
  • 1086

    The Domesday book is completed

    The Domesday book is completed
    The Domesday book is also known as the "Description of England". It was a survey that was taken to find out the was on the land eg. how many building animals and people were on the land. it was organized by William the Conqueror in 1086. the doomsday book covered all throughout England except the northern areas. It was done the figure out how much tax land owners would need to pay to the government but it was unfortunately was never completed as William died before the book was completed.
  • 1096

    The First crusade

    The First crusade
    The first crusade was a religious war in 1096 that was in response to a speech performed by Pope Urban || in 1095. he called upon all the Christians in Europe to fight in a war against Islam to take back their holy land. eventually the Muslims retaliated and the Christians had control over the land for 200 more years.
  • 1170

    Thomas Becket

    Thomas Becket
    Thomas Backet was the arch bishop of Canterbury in 1162 until his assassination by king Henry || in 1170. he was murdered because he refused to sign law papers to reduced the power of the church so he left for France on his return to England king Henry || had him murdered on the 29 of December 1170
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Magna Carta is one of the most important documents in history containing all of the laws that regular people and even king john of England had to abide by. it was singed in 1215 so that the king would not take advantage of his power.
  • 1314

    The battle of Bannockburn

    The battle of Bannockburn
    The battle of bannockburn was a war in 1314 between the scots and the English people. the scots here outnumbered 3-1 but still managed to win because they knew the land they were fighting on. From this war Scotland gained independence.
  • 1348

    The black Death

    The black Death
    The black death was a bubonic plague which originated in china and then reached southern England in June of 1348. It came along from the trade routes from the Mediterranean and northern Africa. it was and still is known as the most fatal pandemic causing 75-200 million people to die in the whole world and 25-30 million people in Europe,
  • 1381

    The Peasants Revolt

    The Peasants Revolt
    This was the first great English rebellion by the English peasants. the peasants revolted because they didn't want to pay poll taxes to king Richard ||. however they did not succeed in there actions as the poll tax was abandoned after 4 weeks because the leader of this movement wat Tyler was killed.
  • 1415

    Henry V defeats the French at Agincourt

    Henry V defeats the French at Agincourt
    the battle of Agincourt was where Henry V defeated the French in the war. the English won because they had better equipment for the terrain. from this win Henry took control of Normandy and then they took the war to Paris. After this henry became a national hero and to this day it is one of the most celebrated battles in English history