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Top 15 Highlights Of Tyrese Hodges

  • Day Of Birth

    Day Of Birth
    On this day, I was brought into the world. It was very cold, with a high temperature of 36 degrees outside.
  • Bust My Head

    I was at a water park and I hit the back of my head on the metal bar at the bottom of the slide. I came down the slide and my brother saw me, then my step mom rushed me to the hospital. I got staples instead of stitch to stop the bleeding.
  • First Time Playing Basketball

    First Time Playing Basketball
    I was never into sports as a kid. All of my brothers loved to play basketball and all I did was go to school and go home. I then got in the gym and was terrible at first, but over time I got better.
  • Going To The Kroc

    Going To The Kroc
    From the first day it opened, I been there. I still go there. It is fun and keeps me off the street.
  • Youth Leadership Program For Israel Idonije Foundation

    Youth Leadership Program For Israel Idonije Foundation
    The Israel Idonije Foundation Youth leadership Intership was a dream come true for me. It was a organization that I wanted to be apart of from the jump of the program. It helped me socially and emotionally. The process of acquiring knowledge and skills to enable me to actively engage in five main competencies that facilitate positive attitudes and behavior, prevent problematic behavior and ultimately promote success was the take away I received and gained. I really enjoyed the setting and people
  • Joining Izzy Kidz

    Joining Izzy Kidz
    There was a program for youth located at the kroc center. I joined this youth leadership program, which was created by a formal bears player, Israel Idonije. He retired and became a successful entrepreneur. In this program I broke through my shell of timidity. I became more of vocal orator. The leaders in the program helped me to initiate conversation in more professional settings. I even got the chance to connect with peers from different areas of Chicago. It made me the person I am today.
  • 7th grade Basketball Season

    7th grade Basketball Season
    My 6th grade basketball season, our team did not make the playoffs. We were beat by most of the local neighborhood schools in our district. Even though I was the best player there, I couldn’t win alone. It was a team effort that was needed to get a win. The next year everyone on the team improved on their game over the summer. When our season started, we won 5 consecutive games . We proved ourselves at that point. We made it all the way to the semi-playoffs and eventually was beaten.
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    On June 16, 2016, I graduated from Ronald H Brown. I’ve been going to this grammar school since 3rd grade. Over the years I have built myself into one of the most acknowledged students in this school. I was the basketball teams Captain since 5th grade and student Council president in 8th grade. Everyone teacher loves me and moving on to high school and leaving these memories behind was very tough, but better for me.
  • Working For Mikva Challenge

    Working For Mikva Challenge
    I was chosen and it felt really good. I have been apart of the program for 2 years already. I've participated in various events that will benefit my future. I enjoy networking with youth from different parts of Chicago and the world
  • Baby Brother Born

    My youngest brother was born. Another simbling I am going to have to teach the ropes of life to. Setting a good example for him, so he does not choose the wrong route in life. Finding his potential at a young age and unlocking his true talent to ensure he has a promising future is what I look forward to.
  • Freshman Year @ Morgan Park

    Figuring out where I fit in at is what I really focused on. The type of crowd/group of people I hung around determined the type of student I am today. I maintained a small circle of friends, which allowed me not to be caught up in nonsense. Staying away from drugs was a top priority. I never got bad habits because I knew it would be difficult to shake them.
  • Joing BAM

    Joing BAM
    During my time in BAM, I learned to be responsible for my own actions like a men. My councilor, Mr.Patterson, always energized me and my group. I took away the traits of having Integrity, Dedication, Responsibility, and Respect
  • When I met Phaebee

    When I met Phaebee
    She is technically my everything. She is very nice and beautiful. I just love everything about her. The first time I seen her was at volleyball Practice and I knew I had to have her. After that I see her at the Kroc Center the same exact day. I thought she was following me. The very next week I had to shoot my shot and it looks like my skills payed off because it went it.
  • Meeting The Superintendent

    Meeting The Superintendent
    I was really nervous to meet Superintendent Eddie Johnson. He had all this power over the CPD. I thought he would not have a conversation with me, But when I met him we initiated conversations with no problems. He is really cool.
  • Meeting The Mayor

    Meeting The Mayor
    I got the chance to attend a beat meeting with the Mayor and the Superintendent.