
Top 10 Most Important Events In The Middle Ages

  • 476

    The Decline of The Western Roman Empire

    The Decline of The Western Roman Empire
    The last Western Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was removed from power. This is important because it started the Middle Ages.
  • 622

    The Development of Islam

    The Development of Islam
    Muhammad left Mecca and went to Menina.
  • 732

    Battle in Tours

    Battle in Tours
    At the Battle of Tours near Poitiers, France, Frankish leader Charles Martel, a Christian, defeats a large army of Spanish Moors, halting the Muslim advance into Western Europe.
  • 800

    Charlemagne Gained the Emperor Status

    Charlemagne Gained the Emperor Status
    Pope Leo the III installed Charles the Great as emperor.
  • 843

    Treaty of Verdun

    Treaty of Verdun
    The three sons of Louis the Pious partitioned the Frank Empire among themselves.
  • 1096

    First Crusade Ever

    First Crusade Ever
    A military offensive against Islam was launched in an effort to retake former Christian areas. There was a siege on Jerusalem
  • 1216

    Libertatum Magna Carta

    Libertatum Magna Carta
    King John of England has signed it. People were given some rights; nobody is exempt from the law.
  • 1337

    The beginning of The Hundred Years' War

    The beginning of The Hundred Years' War
    The Hundred Years' War was between the Kingdoms of France and England it lasted until 1453
  • 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Around one third of the European population died.
  • 1492

    America is discovered by Christopher Columbus

    America is discovered by Christopher Columbus
    Initially, he led an expedition to Asia.